Friday, August 19, 2011

It's the wiring

"It's the wiring." Everything is about re-connecting, re-aligning and re-membering.

By starting out restructuring the wiring in order to increase our ability to download and integrate the information, it may be helpful in setting your intention for ease, clarity and understanding by reviewing.

  • Please don't quit before you start. This is a very different set of experiences than you have experienced to date.

The rational mind does not understand what you are doing.

Its job is to make you safe and fit in a 3D way. So it will try to move you to a status quo where nothing new occurs.

  • You are on a new journey..."I am bad, I did it wrong, it doesn't work, etc..." These are 3D patterns which do not support you.

You do know what you are doing. Trust yourself. It's the thinker/rational mind that doesn't know.

The rational mind only knows what it knows and doesn't know what it doesn't know. Allow yourself an adventure and enjoy what is around the next turn. Be easy on yourself.

  • Negative emotions are leaving. When / if you hit emotional places that don't feel good, know these are the patterns that are leaving. Or at least, coming up for you to consider releasing.

These are old 3D reactionary patterns. Let them go, shift your attention to something that brings you to a place of feeling good (petting the cat, viewing a beautiful scene, smelling a rose, etc.)

  • Habits and references points will be changing. As you begin to become more conscious you will become aware of habits and references that no longer have value. They are from the past, which is gone.

  • As Time is dissolving, Reaction will begin to shift to observation and choice. The more conscious you can become to this, the quicker this shift will come about.

  • You may lose association with others. This is because you are changing rapidly. The more you can notice this for what it is, the quicker you will alter old patterns and reference points.

This will allow many others to begin to move with you as you stop playing their 3D games.

Begin to substitute the word curiosity for frustration. This will allow you to see beyond the point you are hold your attention upon.

The Three Big Pieces:

  1. Thinking. Begin to notice if the questions you ask have value or are they habits, which do not add value and instead contribute to your distractions and noise.

  1. Seeing. You see just fine, however, for the most part may not understand what seeing is at this spiritual level. Expectations and beliefs are generally in the way. Allow yourself to pretend you see and you will.

Play, allow, imagine; begin to incorporate these choices as new concepts for the fun of it. You will surprise yourself at how you begin to actually see. We may fit in some small group sessions to help with this.

  1. Going Unconsciousness - is a well-worn pathway that occurs when you close your eyes on your way to sleep, rest or a difference trance state. We will work with this through the class. In the meantime don't make this a problem. Just intend to be conscious as you work both with your eyes open and closed. Be easy on yourself.

My task on this adventure is to be a guide or roadmap director. I will be pointing out the landmarks and road signs; a provider of information as to what you might find if you choose to open the many doors along this rising spiral staircase.

Your tasks are to enjoy yourself and allow yourself to remember yourself.

Jim Self

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