Monday, January 27, 2014

NorthPoint Astrology Journal ~Pam Younghans
OUR ANNUAL New Moon in Aquarius is Thursday, at about 11 degrees of the sign.

Each year, the Sun and Moon align in Aquarius to encourage us to greater individuality and authenticity, while also helping us understand how completely we are interconnected.

If that sounds like a paradox, it's what we can often expect with Aquarius.

Even the symbol for the sign seems contradictory. Aquarius is known as the Water Bearer, and the symbol shows a man pouring what appears to be water out of an urn.

And yet, Aquarius is an air sign… so what's this about water?

THE CONTRADICTION can be explained a bit.

Yes, the man in the Aquarius symbol is pouring something that looks like water.

But, it is more symbolic than literal, since what is being released are the waters of knowledge, also called the snakes of knowledge.

It is one of the common traits of Aquarius to want to share what they know, to spill forth the waters of knowledge.

And, it is most fulfilling for this sign if the information shared is unique or surprising and helps enhance the listener's perception or understanding of reality.

THE SABIAN SYMBOL for this week's New Moon takes the theme of "knowledge download" to a different level:

"During a silent hour, we receive a new inspiration which may change our lives: The need to rely upon inner inspiration and guidance at the start of new developments."
It's always exciting to anticipate a new opportunity to receive inspiration, especially the kind which "may change our lives."

We of course want to be available and open to receive that level of guidance.

Here's additional interpretation of this symbol that may help us take advantage of the opportunity represented:
"What is implied here is the essential value of keeping open to the descent of spiritual or Soul forces, especially when a new period of individual activity is about to begin.

The individual should not depend mainly on outer circumstances and traditional… and in a sense external, because collectively formulated… incentives.

There is creative power within, a power that can be tapped, or rather that should be allowed to flow into the brain-consciousness or the hands which write or fashion materials into original forms."

Remember, too, that a New Moon is a time of beginnings.

The themes represented by this week's lunation will carry forward into the next two weeks, culminating with the Full Moon on February 14.

PLANETARY INFLUENCES seem to congregate on the day after the New Moon.

Two of the planets in the ongoing Cardinal Grand Cross form an exact aspect on Friday, the same day that Mercury enters Pisces and Venus stations direct.

The Pluto-Jupiter opposition is the strongest of these events.

It is also the second of three oppositions these two planets will form this decade.
The first occurrence was on August 7, 2013, and the last will be on April 20, 2014, during the week the grand cross is the strongest.

IF YOU CAN REMEMBER back to the beginning of August last year, perhaps you can find some common themes circling around again in your current experience.

Those themes are likely to involve the tearing down of old structures (Pluto in Capricorn) and the awareness of feeling vulnerable in the midst of major change (Jupiter in Cancer).

The opposition of these two planets tells us that we are observing strong polarities.

The bulldozer is ready to raze an historic but dilapidated building… and standing on the front porch are the original inhabitants…

… an old couple and their aging pet, trying to appeal to the sympathies of the powers that be, so that they do not destroy this important landmark.

This Pluto-Jupiter opposition represents just such a struggle, and the impasse we can feel when it feels we must choose between extremes.

And yet, the solution to oppositions is said to be in finding a place of balance in the middle, that incorporates the best of both alternatives and finds a third way forward.

MERCURY DOES ENTER Pisces on Friday, but it will be only a short stay, since the planet starts its retrograde (backward) phase on February 6 and returns to Aquarius on February 12.

Still, we may feel a softening of our thinking processes for a few days, and a generalized support for creative inspiration and meditative activities.

This means that Mercury in Pisces is a good support for the intentions of our New Moon, since it is conducive to turning within for "inner inspiration and guidance."

VENUS has been retrograde since December 21, and completes its review phase in grand fashion, being very close to the Pluto-Jupiter opposition at the time of its station on Friday.

This proximity to the grand cross planets tells us that these past six weeks have played a vital role in preparing us for changes in the areas of life ruled by Venus.

How has this review time affected your attitudes toward
       ·         your relationships,
       ·         your finances,
       ·         or your aesthetics?

What do you want to preserve, and what are you ready to purge from your life?

Where might you be ready to find a new balance going forward?

Venus will once again reach its retrograde degree on March 4.

That first week in March marks another important turning point, as Venus squares Mars, Saturn and Mars station retrograde, and Jupiter stations direct, all within the first six days of the month.

Enjoy the week ahead, and our New Moon… and may you receive exactly the creative inspiration you are most needing at this time!

Blessings, Pam

NorthPoint Astrology Blog: To read my most recent posting, entitled "Learn something new every day," please visit I look forward to your comments!

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