Monday, January 6, 2014

Intend wisely

Crescent Moon Phase: expansion, growth, gathering, challenges
Moon: Pisces/Aries
Ruling Mahavidya: Kali
After a weekend of pausing to listen to the magi Jupiter, we gather up our rowdy companions Pluto, Uranus, Mars, and Mercury, saying goodbye and continuing on our journey through this lunar month. 

But we aren't alone for long. 

Up ahead, Mercury spots them first: two women. 

The rowdy band of brothers is excited. 

It's Venus!  Now they are really excited. 

Oh, and it's the Black Moon. 

Their moods quickly deflate, all except Pluto, who looks right past Venus casting a furtive eye on the Black Moon. 

When the Two Sisters are together, Pluto reminds us, they bring great rewards. 

Good fortune is in store.

Surprisingly, Venus tells us she is on her way to a convent for a respite. 

She's trying to sort some things out and needs time for contemplation. 

Mercury, Mars, and Uranus roll their eyes.

But the Black Moon, having evaluated our little party of travelers, offers passage through her domain, which, we quickly realize, is a beautiful underworld of sorts. 

She tells us to continue on, because there is a war party on our heels.

Kali, our leader, steps up and tells us she's been aware of the threat since the journey began and is following it every step of the way. 

She tells us not to worry. 

Instead of worrying we should infuse our minds with the feelings of peace and gratitude for the beauty and the blessings that are present in our lives.  

She tells us these things appear very differently when we travel through the land of the Black Moon. 

We take a different perspective, bringing some things down to black and white and amping some things up to Technicolor.

This weekend's "children's story" takes on decidedly mature themes today with a very unique astrological set up of Venus retrograde opposing the Black Moon and Mercury opposing from the other side. 

This brings changes to relationships and the tendency to say things before we think. 

Venus and the Black Moon always bring a positive outcome, even when the circumstances at the time may seem grim. 

Relationships that do not serve our highest or grandest purposes move off, quickly replaced by new ones. 

Relationships that do serve our highest and grandest purpose take on more depth. 

This includes all types of relationships… not just romantic relationships… professional, familial, interpersonal, etc. 

Pluto and the Black Moon are not concerned with superficial relationships. 

They are interested in meaningful, deep commitment and true love.

This energy is about appreciation. 

It's about recognizing your blessings

It asks us to evaluate ourselves honestly and own who we are. 

We have no idea how grand and powerful we really are. 

It is almost impossible for us to conceive it because the framework for recognizing it has been eliminated over time… beginning with the decimation of the mystery schools in ancient times.

When you deal with the energy of the Black Moon, there are always two sides to things. 

Something may come back around later. 

This is especially true since we have Venus retrograde. 

When Venus starts to move forward again next month it will re-contact this point and bring the second side to what is developing today. 

This is how energy imprints and re-imprints.  It happens in cycles.

There are strong masculine and feminine energies in the air today, adding fuel to whatever is being intended.  

Intend wisely.

Stay grounded, be reminded of the good fortune at the heart of this energy, find inner peace, and above all, fall back in love with life today. 

Look around.  There are so many beautiful things to see.

Note: The "war party" in the story is the upcoming potential for the continuation of aggression that was seeded at the New Moon. 

The potential for this becomes stronger with the Sun's approach to opposition with the Black Moon between January 10-15. 

We are eliminating the extent to which that kind of aggression could manifest by imprinting peace and harmony into the energy with the contact to the Black Moon now

So what we put in now will be enhanced later, thus minimizing the effectiveness of potential aggression. 

You can see how over time, as more and more people become aware of how this works, we overtake the Archontic imprints and change the experience of life.

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