Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 298

As the tides turn, so too does your sense of the world around you. 

The world is indeed changing… little by little… day by day… you are growing and evolving. 

It is you who are changing… the world as you know it is no longer the same. 

That is because you are no longer the same. 

For every day… you step closer into who you truly are and every day… a piece of the old you fall away… to never to be needed or retrieved again. 

You are not here to gather the pieces that seem to be slipping through your fingers… whether they be pieces of your family… your relationships… your ideas… or your worldly goods. 

Remember anything that is not a part of the true you will no longer be a part of your life… and there are many partings going on now.

Fear not… this does not entail that you will be left bereft of anything that is familiar to you… it only means that you will be left with the true parts of everything. 

So your family or friends will not simply walk away… your relationship to them will turn from the old version and into the new and true version. 

If that entails growing closer or growing further apart… only you will know. 

Remember they too have to decide their path… and even if you can face the truth of this… many cannot. 

This is not always an easy journey… for what the light shines on… will always have to reveal the truth. 

Painful connections will be revealed and must be torn asunder… sometimes to be healed and reconnected again… other times we need to bid a final farewell. 

We know this may sound overly dramatic… what we are trying to say is that nothing will be left to fester and corrupt… because you have to walk your truth no matter. 

This is not about stripping you of everything you love… this is about stripping you of everything that is harmful… and sometimes the painful truth is these are the things we are most apt to hide even from ourselves. 

If there is anything left in your life that you need to reassess… it will be shown to you… and when you accept this… you will be able to deal with it in a loving way. 

This is all about love… not about anger… fear… or hate.

Know that anything that comes up for evaluation does so at the behest of the light. 

The light wants only what is good for you sometimes that means that you need to do something that will pain you. 

Trust when we say that you will soon see the wisdom in this… and you will also feel the deep love that lies behind each and every painful encounter with yourself you may have in the times ahead.

What you are doing… is severing each and every bond that are holding you back… and these bonds are bound to run deep… not only in your life… in other’s as well.

It takes courage to stay the course.
If you need help… please ask…and know that it comes in all shapes and forms. 

You might be surprised by the resonance your acts will have in those around you.

Even in those you would deem as the least responsive to anything that the light might bring. 

Remember this… what the light exposes is not only negative for you… it is also negative for those to which you are connected by these old bonds.

When you start to sever them… you will also set free those that have been tied down with these same chains. 

That is what truly is happening… chains to bind you all down… and as soon as one of the prisoners starts to loosen his or her chains… the effect will be felt by everyone tied on to that same chain. 

This sudden sense of freedom will be daunting… and it will be like a breath of fresh air that helps you to see things more clearly.

This is not a harsh and cruel cutting off of ties… this is a willful and deliberate freeing… rather it is the offering of freedom and it is up to each and every one if they want to continue to loosen those chains completely.

Or if you want you can wrap them even tighter around yourselves. This is the fast track to freedom… and for many… nothing could be more fearful to contemplate. 

Just as a prisoner standing at the gates of his prison after being incarcerated for years and years… the prospect of walking out into the world as a free man can be too much… and he will be tempted to turn around and go back to his old cell. 

The familiar confines can be more gratifying than the prospect of having to step out into a world where there are no familiar boundaries.

So too it is with this process. You all have some old limitations in your life… internal or external… and when these limitations are given an option to cease to exist… it can sometimes be hard to embrace that option fully. 

Ensure that you do not shy away from that choice, for it is indeed one you will have to make.

This journey cannot be undertaken half heartedly… it must be taken as a whole… not by picking out the parts that seem to be the least challenging. 

Remember the choice was made by you even before you came… if not you would not even be here now contemplating the results from that choice. 

You chose to become free in this lifetime.

That is why you are being given the opportunity to be FREE now. 

As for the others around you… they are being given the same choice… remember they might have chosen a slightly more meandering path than the direct path you took. 

To them the options can be a bit wider. 

They may have given themselves the opportunity to choose the freedom this time around… or to continue in the old school for a lifetime or more. 

You have chosen your option just as they have chosen theirs… so you have given yourself less leeway than some of the others. 

You have deemed that your time is now!

While they have chosen to say ”my time might be now, but on the other hand, it might not”. 

Prepare to be surprised as you continue to cut asunder those old ties that are binding you to your old way of life. 

As you do that… the freedom to move will make many around you blink their eyes to the light and say ”I think I will follow your example… and I thank you for giving me this opportunity to do so”.

This is not an invitation to cast anyone or anything away from your life. This is an invitation to tear asunder any old and negative limitations that are keeping you all cemented to the old ground. 

No one of you will be able to climb those stairways to heaven if you do not remove the old chains keeping you there.

We wish you all Godspeed on your continued journey. 

The weights of the chains have started to lift off of you already… and you will see some of this outcome… both in your life and also in those around you. 

For others these weights seem to be weighing heavily upon you… please know that it will take much less of an effort than you may think… to have them fall away from you completely.

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