Monday, January 14, 2013

The Oracle Report

Crescent Moon Phase - Moon in Pisces
Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi

Today prompts us to "avoid" or "escape" responsibilities or something we do not want to face, but we will be better off if we do it.

It's a day for taking care of details and catching up on things we've put off. If things have been piling up on you, you'll experience relief just by tackling the pile.

With Venus and Pluto squaring Uranus, unexpected things are developing within relationships.

Uranus will bring changes, and they are often quite fast and surprising.

Mercury is rapidly approaching the Sun for conjunction and causing our minds to be very active.

Focus on what you appreciate.

Tell people how you appreciate them.

We're still watching the behemoth sunspot and the possibility for X-class flares, which will certainly add emphasis to the energy.

Please note that Kali is usually the Mahavidya on duty during this month. The Mahavidyas are not rigid. They work fluidly. Kali came on duty for most of last month.

Since all of the Mahavidyas are faces of Kali, any one of the Mahavidyas is able to step in during Kali's month and work.

This doesn't happen often, but there have been exceptional needs over the past six weeks that have caused more overlap and collaboration between the goddesses.

So you could say that this month is flavored by a Kali-Matangi mix, with many of Matangi's sharper qualities enhanced.

This is a bit more advanced than I would prefer it to be while we are starting out our project of disseminating the wisdom of the Mahavidyas, but it happens to be the case so we will incorporate it into our learning.

 Matangi is one of the Mahavidyas, ten Tantric goddesses and a ferocious aspect of Devi, the Hindu Divine Mother. She is considered as the Tantric form of Sarasvati, the goddess of music and learning. 

Gina discusses why asking for help from your Creator is a temporary band aid. 

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