Thursday, January 10, 2013

Notes From the Other Side...

So... How can I help you? 
What do you want to create? 
What makes your heart sing, your eyes open, your soul come alive? 
What do you want to know?

      YOU now have access to infinite intelligence. 
Think about it.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  ~~~~~~~~~~~~   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
What questions would you ask....  if you had the answers, would transform your life here on this planet? 
Give it some thought... ~~~~~~~~~~~~  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz   ~~~~~~~~~~~~   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

     Ask... and you shall receive. 
Gina Paschall
"i promise to NOT give myself away"
"i promise to be fully grounded and visible in this dimension NOW"  

* Gina is a multidimensional being that allows her clear vision. She has no veils and is the epitome of grace, unconditional love and wisdom.  

* Gina discusses the human tendency to resist help and become defensive.! 

1 comment:

  1. Gina!!!

    The blessing of love you are to the planet at this time is beyond the limits of your truth of desire. Allowing the faces of love to show themselves each moment of each day and in the dreamspace to shower the love you are to the world . The channels of the great mother the spirit of the earth to show her self to you at this time and the counselors of the ground from the truth another change will occur in the dimension of thought.

    Thank you for playing!!

