Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How do I say "thank you"?

How do I say "thank you"? 

How do I adequately thank someone that has brought keys to me that I've looked for my whole life?

Words are all I have. They don't seem like nearly enough.

Maybe you don't know what you have given me. I'm sure you don't. 

Even I am seeing more every day that you have caused to open, unfold and expand in me. 

It feels endless and its impact reaches out like sonic booms into my life and all that are close to me.

You show me a mirror I've never seen before. I swear you took it from the circus, but I don't care... I believe in you. 

If you think it's possible, then I'm sure it is. Why is that? 

Tears stream down my face as I realize it's because NO ONE else could have handed me my keys except you. 

I know now, I wouldn't have accepted them. I wouldn't have trusted them.

You have activated levels of sharing, openness, trust and unconditional love in me that I had no idea existed. 

I'm so much MORE because you allow me to be!

How do I say "thank you"?

Note: share freely - love deeply - NO rights reserved ~ “Open Source”

 I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone… I now know for sure that it’s NOT… the worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone. ~Robin Williams

You appear to be human, but you are much more. You are wearing your human form, but YOU are beautiful, multidimensional beings and member of our Galactic Family.

You, my brave one, took earth vessels again and again.

In many of your incarnations on the body of Gaia you appeared to have died in your attempt to return Gaia to Her true SELF.

However, you did not die. You were pulled out of active duty and returned to your real, higher expression.

Therefore, we remind you that those who died in service to Mother Gaia did not die. Instead, they were recalled Home to heal.

However, we are not here to talk about returning Home via death.We are talking about the conscious return Home of Ascension.

As you know, the percentage of un-awakened or darkly intended humans is much larger than the percentage of ascending ones.

Fortunately, the light quotient of the ascending one allows that few to make a multidimensional difference.

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