Tuesday, January 13, 2015

We are holding the line and building the future from ancient blueprints.

Third Quarter: realignment, completion
Moon in Libra/Scorpio (6:45 pm ET/11:45 pm)
Ruling Mahavidya:  Kali (The Reckoner)
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "an Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe"
Skill:  go within and contemplate
Negative Imprint: fear of change, self-sacrifice, indecision, fighting for territory or control, neglecting self, pressures of work or society, nervousness, worries, loneliness
Positive Imprint: privacy, spiritual retreat, passage, changes in the winds, relief from pressure, sensitivity to all levels of energy and environment, dedication, values

Strong energetics are in place today that tempt us to hide away...

... but the best thing to do is to do it a different way. 

The wisdom is to be like a wise owl in a tree in observation and contemplation.

Mars has moved out of Aquarius and into Pisces  joining Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, and opposing the Black Moon in Virgo. 

Today we are processing things internally - processing our plans, ideas, and how we feel about them. 

We are looking at the bigger picture of things and measuring them. 

We are fine-tuning the sensitivity of our "inner gauges." 

When we move our attention inward, we observe from a different perspective. 

From this vantage point, we see how to do things a different way. 

This leads to better outcomes. 

So today's energy heavily favors inner work leading to better outer work, and our inner world leading to a better outer world. 

Mars in Pisces wants to bring us to the heights of creativity, so follow his lead if your inner world calls you to create.

As the lunar month continues, Kali, the aspect of Gaia Sophia who has been on duty this month, asks us to dedicate ourselves to something today - something for the future. 

She determines the Measures of Time, so the future could be one minute from now, one hour from now, one month from now, or one year from now. 

While spending time in inner contemplation, it is a good idea to listen to the stirrings of Kali for insight.

Saturn has now moved from the tumultuous degree of "an ocean covered with whitecaps" to "two men playing chess." 

The unnatural world order used this (and other) energy for overt power plays and mass mind-washing with Europe's (mightily weakened) version of 9/11. 

Subtle power plays are happening, too; wise owls are watching the banksters' plays as they attempt to divert attention from scandal and theft. 

But there is no new story here. 

They are recycling the same story, with the same characters even. 

Their strategy is the same old strategy.

Archons are not inventive, but we are! 

We do things a different way today - all kinds of things. 

We go within to the deep, creative void and come back with treasures. 

We are holding the line and building the future from ancient blueprints. 

Humanity is claiming its power and turning away from the control dynamics. 

We are a tribe of many, but we are our own chief.


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