Monday, October 20, 2014

The Mega Eclipses of October 2014

 The Solar Eclipse of October 23rd - Updated

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angel of Light. I greet you in unconditional love!

On October 23rd, a New Moon Solar Eclipse will occur that is energetically combined with the Lunar Eclipse of October 8th and with the Mercury Retrograde ongoing.

The energy of the Solar Eclipse is an apexial point within the energy ongoing on the planet.

And although you are in the midst of a time of chaotic purging, the eclipse will provide a moment of reprise, a time for deep contemplation and co-creation of your higher goals.  

In the present energy on the planet negativity is being released.

Many have felt dis-empowered, disenfranchised, disillusioned and have vented in rage.

Others have felt doubt, even self condemnation.

Yet within this energy of seeming madness, there are opportunities of amplified energies that have allowed for deep introspection and for those 'in balance' great psychic clarity.

On the Solar Eclipse of October 23rd, a succinct wave of seeded, coded energy will be emitted in the eclipsical aperture, and this can not only be received, it can and should be benevolent utilized.

It is teeming with Divine Life Force, and can allow you to revitalize and recharge.

Take time to meditate to focus on your intent during the active phase of this eclipse...and although it is a “partial eclipse” of the sun, its energy is enormous, and it projects a seeded… coded divine frequency globally, whether visible or not on your part of the planet.

Masters, take time to meditate, to pray, to focus on your goals on the extraordinary eclipse phase.

What we tell you is that the life force, the coherent “mana” of manifestation is greater during the aperture of eclipses.

Use this time to co create your life and your world.

Masters, a solar eclipse has many attributes that were understood by more advanced societies of your past, including Atlantis, LeMuria and Rama.

We will discuss these in more detail further in this channel.

But we will mention briefly that the light emitted during the hours before and after an eclipse has myriad succinct energizing attributes that are beneficial to the physical and etheric bodies of humanity and to the crystalline mineralogical strata & structures of the planet.  

Those of you that utilize Phi Crystals and Quartz will find that these can be potently charged with  a unique light-energy life-force, if they are placed in sunlight during the eclipse phase ....and the eclipse phase will project this unique light 3 hours prior to and approximately 3 hours after the actual eclipse.

Masters, astrology in its correct application is one of gravitational and electromagnetic waves that influence the human body physical and the etheric bodies of the mental and emotional matrix.

It is real, it is not folklore.

We are not speaking about horoscopes, rather about very real waves of energy, that are teeming with frequencies, light and colors that effect you by induction and federate patterns.

These patterns are vibrations that absolutely will influence, you whether or not you accept that they are real.

However no influence is greater than the power of will.

But by being aware of the influential vibratory patterns you can more effectively work with and not against the patterns.

Accordingly opportunities can be understood and thus seized, and pitfalls can be wisely avoided.  

Do you understand?

In the New Earth, the Crystalline Grid has taken predominance over the magnetic grid, and this in kind influences both gravities of planets & stars as well as the interpretation of Light.

And a force of influence that plays into this energetic collage is that of Divine Thought.

There are patterns of influence from the collective Divine Aspect of Humanity and that termed Universal Mind that are injecting specific patterns through the Crystalline Grid into the Earthplane at apertures formed in phases of eclipses, solstices and equinoxes.

The Current Pattern of Madness
Accordingly, you are in a unique timing in which planetary influences have combined with cosmic forces that are not normally associated to astrological gravities to create a unique and succinctly intense purging in the paradigm of the New Earth.

That termed the shadow, the darkside is in a temporal free-flow for a peculiar period of frequencial time to bring to the surface repression and frustrations, whether justified or not, to be confronted, viewed and dealt with in the crucible of human experience and manifest reality.

That which was hidden or repressed is being percolated to the top.

Past transgressions and unresolved conflicts that may have been hidden will surface in this time for facing and responsibly clearing.

It is a time of misunderstanding, of overreaction and illusion. 

It is an energy underscored by extremes in expression of repression, a backlash of frustrations that may be revealed in a squeeze of untoward, even inappropriate venting in releasing that which was in “shadow.”


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