Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Today we choose wisely

First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action
Moon in Sagittarius
Ruling Wisdom Goddess: Bhairavi (The Fierce One)
Skill: choose wisely according to your heart's desire
Negative Imprint: egocentricity, division, lack of commitment, indecision, emotional swings
Positive Imprint: deserving, connection with others, commitment, emotional balance

What will we choose today? 

We find ourselves at a point where we need to make a decision or decide whether to commit to something or not. 

If this does not show up in situations with other people, it will show up for inner contemplation. 

If your choice takes you in another direction, away from someone or something important to you, remember that truly we are never separated. 

We are entitled to and deserving of choosing that which is in our highest and best interests.

Much of this energy relates to romantic relationships and commitments… or lack of commitment. 

Venus, Eris, and the North Node are in an astrological T-square formation. 

Venus = relationships, Eris = rebirth, and the North Node = destiny. 

Relationships are destined for rebirth today.  

This is particularly true of love triangles. 

We are strongly motivated toward connection, companionship, and friendship, seeking fulfillment of our hopes, wishes, and dreams.

With this, if we are on the fence about something, by day's end we may find that we are no longer in conflict. 

This month's energy brings scenarios where we are at a tipping point or teetering on the edge, and this theme is strong today.  

Again, we are entitled to and deserving of choosing that which is in our highest and best interests.

This energy also brings "extremes" and swinging between extremes. 

We aim for moderation, taking responsibility for our own feelings and speaking our mind when needed. 

Don't be afraid to dig deeply. 

Remember that as part of the Second Renaissance that is birthing, we are experiencing the expanding and energizing of deep and meaningful changes and corrections that heal, transform, and liberate us.

Masks, appearances, and social status are dominant themes all month long, but today they can take on too much importance - swinging into the extreme. 

Fakeness gets on our nerves more than usual. 

Though people are inclined to parade around today, we are not impressed.

We are, however, distinctly impressed by that which comes from the heart. 

And it's easy to see it today. 

The Mahavidya ruling this lunar month is Bhairavi. 

Bhairavi is the aspect of the great goddess Gaia Sophia who calls to our hearts. 

She calls forth the hero/heroine inside each of us. 

She speaks to us today, asking us to choose according to our heart's desire. 

But she is called the Fierce One for a reason. 

She is relentless. 

She inspires ferocity from the fires of the heart. 

She helps us gain confidence and dissolve our fears. 

She helps us embrace the new and the unknown. 

She helps us free ourselves to go beyond the material world. 

For Bhairavi, knowledge is paramount.

For us, knowledge is paramount as well. 

It's the job of the wise owls to seek wisdom. 

Embrace your nature today. 

You are a unique and powerful being with the ability to co-create a dream of life with the planet herself. 

All of this is of our choosing. 

And today we choose wisely. 

We remember that this month our mission is to take our place in the ring of singing stones and bridge the chaos. 

Our song is the mutual commitment to raise the consciousness of humanity out of captivity. 

This song comes straight from our hearts. 

We are all in tune and the pitch is perfect. 

Let's sing it loudly today.

And, who knows? 

Sabaoth the Sun just may chime in.            

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