Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Take in the beauty along the way

New Moon Phase: begin
Moon in Virgo
Ruling Mahavidya: Shodashi (The Goddess Who Fulfills Highest Desire) and Matangi (Goddess Who Clears The Way)
Skill: take the road less traveled
Negative Imprint:  routine, boredom, homogeneity, illogical rules, meaninglessness, creating obstacles, road rage, gossip, mindlessness, suppression, being stuck, prejudice, divide and conquer, being boxed in
Positive Imprint:  observant, overcoming, patience, smooth flow, links, adventures, alchemy, discovery, communications, ideas, interchange, channeling, receptivity, mixing things up, transmitting information, moving on, seeing things from a new vantage point
Today Gaia Sophia's Wisdom Goddesses are busy opening paths, routes, directions, opportunities, and horizons for the vehicles of our souls. 

Shodashi draws us a map that directs us toward the fulfillment of our highest desire. 

New ways, new thoughts, new creations are coming to life all month, but today we get a sense of direction that lifts us out of the ordinary. 

The road less traveled is what we opt for today.

Sabaoth the Sun sent New Moon fireworks ("sunworks") with coronal mass ejections yesterday.  

An M2-class was released at 11:11 am ET/3:11 pm UT. 

This was an hour after the New Moon while the Moon was still located at 3 Virgo, the degree of the Virgo lunar cycle with the Sabian symbol of "two guardian angels bringing protection." 

Keeping the theme of two's, a second coronal mass was ejected at 4:21 pm ET/8:21 pm UT when the Moon was at 6 Virgo with the Sabian symbol of "a merry-go-round."

Sabaoth discharged energy to protect (insulate) us from the cycle of worn-out, negative energetic imprints that the Archons and their "unnatural world order" minions have repeatedly drilled into Virgo lunar cycles for two thousand years.

Repetitive motion, like drumbeats, is the calling card of the Wisdom Goddess Shodashi, except she doesn't keep us locked in the same rhythm. 

She brings us into alignment with our true rhythm - a pace that spirals instead of going in circles. 

She draws us toward our destiny. 

She combines timelines toward one proper order. 

In her work to fulfill the highest desire of our soul, she forms the link to get us off the beaten path and onto the road less traveled - the road of our soul's highest expression.

Today, the illusion of separation is revealed. 

The Sun is located at the degree of "black and white children playing happily together." 

We see that the only differences between us are the things that make us unique. 

We are all humans but we express ourselves individually. 

And we relish these differences because it makes life more interesting.

Matangi is the Wisdom Goddess who is intimately involved in correcting/cleaning up racial prejudice introduced by negative minds. 

She rails against injustices based on inequality. 

She protects and blesses those who are marginalized. 

She advocates for those who are different. 

In the United States, the melting pot of the world, we welcome her efforts to eliminate the confusion of clouded minds lost in ignorance about the value of differences.

The CMEs happened while the Moon was still in tight opposition to Neptune. 

For almost a year now I've discussed how Sophia is using the energetics of the planet Neptune to raise the energy of the Sacred Masculine from its slumber. 

Sabaoth the Sun empowered this effort. 

The fact that the CMEs were timed at the New Moon means this effort is empowered all month long.

All of the Mahavidyas are "guy's gals," but this is especially true for Shodashi and Matangi. 

They lead the hearts of the Sacred Masculine inside all of us this month. 

It's quite a parade!  Where will it go...?

Instead of doing things the same old way, try a new way today. 

The way will be revealed.  

It helps to ask Shodashi to help you see it. 

Set out on a new adventure of the mind.

The day could get clogged and bogged with congestion and confusion, so we will rise above it to take the higher road. 

We're following a path that is rich in color. 

Take in the beauty along the way. 

Being the two angels that they are, Shodashi and Matangi are on call. 

Feel free to ring them up if needed. 

And if the unnatural world order forwards hijinks, I will come back online and post. 

See y'all next week!


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