Thursday, April 10, 2014

ANY belief system that is threatening

ANY belief system that is threatening… does NOT support you in your message.


Look for the belief systems that create within you should… and should not’s… 
... and ask your SELF why you would want to adhere to something...
... that is there to cause FEAR within your physiology.

Then as you allow your SELF all of your “feelings”… 
... you watch them and you do NOT resist or push them away… 
... you will see what your “feelings” say to you about what you believe is true.

If you will allow your SELF to examine your beliefs… 
.. and see what is in support of you as a divine master in form…
... and what says, “look out for this”… or “be careful of that”… 
... you will assist your mastery FULLY.

Removing and dissolving these types of belief systems… 
... removes your ego hold over any situation.

It changes your perspective of every situation… 
... because in a certain way… everything becomes equal.

You do not have a lot of… “right and wrong”… “good or bad”… in your life.

It is going to make shifts for you.

Realize that the shifts are you… holding a neutral point.

Think of a pendulum swinging to the left and to the right.

What you want to do is hold that point neutrally… in the middle.

Because when you are holding it in the middle… that’s contentment.

That’s neutral divine contentment.

And you really want to remember this…
… because there will come time when things may look bigger than other times. 

And you “feel” like something is an exception to neutrality… 
... and it is NOT.

Everything is included. 

The beneficent unconditional LOVE of source… is NEUTRAL.

It LOVES all equally.

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