The Astrology of April 2014 - A New
For years, in many democratic
nations, two relatively small elite groups, one essentially conservative, one
essentially liberal, have controlled political, economic and cultural debate
and all but dictated outcomes.
In recent months, a decidedly more
inclusive, pluralistic, "multi-polar" approach to resolving important
political issues has been suggested by and supported in the charts. This
month’s analysis is about this proposed New Paradigm.
I will describe the astrological
evidence for its existence and describe its likely effects in the real world.
We can then decide for ourselves whether the New Paradigm is a real thing
producing observable effects in the world.
March Recap
March’s aspects sent transformative
energy deep into our hearts and minds, motivating and empowering us to explore
new ways of thinking about our lives and the world around us.
The social, political and economic
structures that shape society are rooted in our minds. This suggests that these
inner changes are, indeed, laying the foundation for a New Paradigm.
April & January
April’s chart resembles January’s in
relevant ways. A Grand Cross in Cardinal Signs is embedded in a Kite. An
intense blocking energy is harnessed to power an inclusive, wide-ranging debate
process instead. In January, local and state level activism too the lead.
Accordingly, this winter, politics
did not follow the old right-left paradigm. In the US, Washington gridlock
morphed into a complex dialogue between the local, state and national
Conservatives began to compromise
with liberals in ways that scarcely seemed possible. The conflicts were still
readily apparent, but they were at least partially overcome to produce
In the US, at least, Liberals and
conservatives cooperated, however grudgingly, on key budget issues. A number of
states moved forward with the legalization of pot and marriage equality.
Grassroots protest against fracking
surged. There was resistance to drug testing of welfare recipients in Florida,
action against voter suppression laws and a range of other issues. These trends
continued in February.
It became clear that stepped up
grassroots activism was now part of the landscape. Things are still happening
that no one would have anticipated, given the epic confrontations of recent
April’s combination of Grand Cross
and Kite, augmented by the effects of two eclipses, will make the emerging
trends of this winter the new normal. The changes brought about this winter
will firm up and the trend toward compromise and progressive reform will grow quite
The sharp, deeply ideological conflicts will remain apparent, but
it will become clear that regressive forces in both conservative and liberal
camps have lost ground.
An “imperfection” in April’s Kite
will bring income inequality and the forces that keep it in place to the fore,
demanding that it be actively addressed.
The Bad News Squares
In general, the issue of political
and economic fairness is foregrounded in April.
Mars retrograde is in Libra in the
5th; Jupiter is in Cancer in the 2nd; Uranus in Aries is in the 11th, and Pluto
retrograde is in Capricorn in the 8th. The Cardinal signs are all placed in
fixed houses, further ensuring conflict.
Jupiter opposes Pluto along the financial axis, which
governs the relation between individual and collective finances.
The power and
wealth of the government and the finance industry (Pluto in Capricorn in the
8th) is massed against the productivity and prosperity of individuals (Jupiter
in Cancer in the 2nd).
Uranus opposes Mars along the the axis connecting individual and group
interests. The expectations and aspirations of the individual (Mars in Leo in
the 5th house) are pitted against group ideals and aspirations (Uranus in Aries
in the 11th).
Accordingly, in the public arena, conservative ideologies are
arrayed against liberal, group-oriented ideologies.
This Grand Cross in Cardinal Signs
embodies the central economic and ideological issues of our times.
The Good News Kite
Fortunately, the great tensions of
April’s Grand Cardinal Cross are imbedded in a Kite which absorbs its severe
The Kite is organized around the
financial axis; the opposition across the charts financial axis runs from the
base to the apex of the Kite.
It looks perfectly placed to relieve the fierce
tension over fundamental economic issues. The Kite’s trines and sextiles will
allow input from many sides, from high and low.
the Political Sunshine
An all important sextile is missing
in the Kite. And that is a good thing.
The gap in the Kite leaves an
opening that extends from the early degrees of the the 8th, thru the 7th and
most of the 6th house.
The bodies in the 7th house are
Quaoar, Pholus, and Ixion; all are retrograde in Sagittarius.
Two influences, are poised to slip rough the opening left by the missing sextile, bypassing the filtering, moderating, integrative powers of the Kite.
One influence governs the ideas
(Sagittarius) that shape societal attitudes (Quaoar, Pholus and Ixion) and the
partisan alliances (the 7th house) that ensure that new laws don’t change the
status quo.
Another influence (Saturn retrograde
in Scorpio in the 6th), highlights the exploitation and hardship of working
Combined, these two influences will penetrate to the heart of public debate and demand that the issues they represent be dealt with in their raw, unfiltered, unmodified form.
This gap in the Kite will block the
ideological alliances that hammer new laws into the shape of old laws; these
alliances and their work will instead become an issue. They will be identified
as part of the problem and made the target of legislative action.
The likely outcome, over time, will be legislation that blocks the interference of these groups, opening the way for genuine reform of labor laws and the creation of laws that address income inequality.
Be mindful that all these bodies are retrograde. The debate will go deep and reform will proceed over time. In general, retrograde motion indicates an inclination to back away from prevailing attitudes and beliefs.
Harbingers of Things to Come
These events will likely be part of an emerging trend. The US labor force is governed by Taurus in the 6th house of the US natal chart. Uranus will transition into Taurus in 2018-19, ushering in, I believe, a new era of labor activism and reforms.
As I write this, the US National
Labor Relations Board ruled that football players at Northwestern University,
with campuses in Chicago and Evanston, Illinois, are university employees and
can unionize. Appeals could take years to resolve. (Saturn retrograde in Scorpio
in the 6th.)
To the extent that economic events
in the US are indicative of emerging global trends, this suggests a global
resurgence of labor activism and labor reforms.
However, we needn’t necessarily
anticipate an epic confrontation between labor and management. If the New
Paradigm is a reality, coming reforms will be the result of a much more open,
inclusive debate. Solutions adopted will be more innovative and less polarizing
than similar solutions in the past.
The Beginning of the Beginning?
There are also two eclipses in
- April 15th ~ a total eclipse of the Full Moon in Libra. (GMT)
- April 29th ~ an annular eclipse of the Sun in Taurus. (GMT)
Using the Sun and Moon placements in
the composite chart, the lunar eclipse energy would flow through Leo in the 3rd
house. The solar eclipse energy would flow through Taurus in the 11th house.
These placements are square by sign, but trine by house.
Taurus, the sign governing personal
income and finances, squares Leo, the sign of personal and interpersonal
exploration. The House of Aquarius, governing idealized interpersonal and group
values, is trining the House of Gemini, the house of community.
Using these composite placements,
the eclipses set up an intricate tension between individual and community
These placements suggest a negative
and positive developments that will push people to reconcile the needs of the
community with the needs of its members.
Privately, April’s eclipses will firm up psychological and spiritual transformations supported by recent charts.
We commit to a new course for
Publically, people will revisit
issues of political and economic fairness with deeply revised attitudes and
personal opinions.
Gross income inequality and the mechanisms that perpetuate it will be examined in a new light and with a renewed will to eliminate it.
All issues will be addressed more openly and inclusively.
A Test Case
The eclipses also suggest a turning
point in the emergence of the New Paradigm. If my hypothesis is correct, from
April onward, we should expect to see more open, inclusive, constructive debate
and fewer confrontations.
The crisis in the Ukraine makes a
good test case. Many are predicting a return to Cold War conditions between
Russia and the West.
If the New Paradigm is a reality,
then the Crimean and Ukrainian crises will proceed along far less
confrontational, far less destructive lines than other, comparable crises.
For Astrologer 365, astrology is a way of life and a way for all of us to connect with our destinies and see what the future holds in store for us. I take my profession very seriously and offer my wide range of astrological services to a variety of businesses and marriage consulting agencies the world over.