Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today's energy could be called "masterful"

Wise owls, the stars align today to imprint a harmonic of sheer beauty that is almost a fantasy. 

This energy happens apart from us, so we will benefit no matter where we are on the spectrum of disharmony/harmony. 

But the effects will be greater if we can suspend, if only for a few hours, feelings in the disharmony range. 

If we can take our minds high enough above situations, we can see the horizon clearly. 

Break free from where you are and come to a whole new level with whatever is happening. 

This may require us to walk away from something… break free from where you are… and come back to it later with a better understanding… whole new level. 

In a magical way, the energy will transform our consciousness and in turn the reality of the situation. 

This is how good it is.

Today's fantasy alignment is courtesy of a Grand Cross between the Moon, the Black Moon, Mars, and Venus just as the Black Moon leaves the last degree of Cancer. 

It is quite a farewell for her and quite a boon for us.  

The imprint that can be made is unparalleled.  

I don't really know what could be better than the universe giving us a big handful of raw loveliness and saying make it lovelier. 

But by all means, it is our job today, if only for a short time, to be in love with life.  

Find something, feel something, see something beautiful about life and living. 

Step outdoors and connect and mission complete.

While I would prefer to wax poetic about all of the things that can be created and transformed today, the Chiron element that is present all month long needs to be addressed regularly.  

Recall that the New Moon in Pisces, the generator of this month's energy, was conjunct Chiron.

Chiron was a centaur - half human, half horse. 

His human half is his upper body; his equine half is his base level. 

There is a struggle here. 

Chiron endeavored to overcome his base level. 

He was locked in a struggle with himself, you could say, and so this theme plays out for us this month. 

But today's energy lifts us and takes us over and above, so if you are struggling today, surrendering is required.

Today's energy could be called "masterful." 

Things happen rather effortlessly. 

We are in the Balsamic time of year all month long and Balsamic is the time when Spirit pours in to prepare the field for change. 

Wise owls know to step aside a bit and let this force work. 

It really is the time when we let go of the reins and take a breather. 

While we are on break, we let our imagination soar and envision beyond our wildest dreams. 

Today is a wildest dreams sort of day, so don't hold back. 

We are preparing the field of the future during the Balsamic time.

The planet responds to those who continue to dream in the midst of chaos.


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