Thursday, March 20, 2014

Compassionate Attention... it creates mastery within you

A quantum leap is different than a physical leap… a physical leap jumps from point A to point B… 

... a quantum leap is the transmutation… the transfiguration… the transformation of you in this moment.

It is transforming you into the realization that you are an unbounded BEING.  Able to live in many dimensions consciously at once.

And if you sit in sacred silence every single day… you will find your connection easily within cosmic consciousness.

Then you live in the empty space of NO SPACE… the void… between the manifest and the un-manifest. 

This is where the creative force lives… It is in this moment of space that the creative force brought forth its creations. 

And you were present at that time.  And you were able to give your ALL.

Your full power of yearning for manifest creation to come forth.

It is in this space that you are being invited to reside.

Allow your SELF to embrace it.  And know the fullness of your divinity.
Remove anything that feels like a burden… from your shoulders.

Replace any sense of burden with a sense of light… which allows you to completely be… one with the higher SELF… as it calls your message to you.

IF you feel doubt at all… you may ask your SELF “why”… then allow the truthful answer to come up.

By the truthful answer we mean… what you know in your very secret recesses of your heart… rather than the answer that appears so obvious.

Under the most common answers lies the real foundation of the responses that are conditioned… and NOT really YOU.

If you are to allow your SELF to BE that which is really you… then you must allow your SELF to go into the unspoken place of your own awareness... to find the answers that are simply living there.

Then you will have the ability to hold ALL within the total compassion that you bring into this dimension… most easily.

We are aware that you would like to “feel” more certain of that which you are about.

Yet… how can that be?

When there is NO thing that you are about at all… except the blessed awareness of BEING… and the truth of your message that you carry.

This time is VERY important on this planet… and you play a great part in the bringing of the soul wave… the current of RE member ing to this planet and its people.

Remember…to bring the pieces of the body back together… to re member.

DO NOT doubt your SELF… do not doubt what you are able to be or accomplish… since you have fully within you the ability… the capacity… the awareness of all that you need… to bring about the RE UNION… the common union of the many who are attracted to your frequencies.

 SPEND TIME IN SILENCE… and allow your SELF to align YOU with the awareness that is naturally yours.

By allowing your SELF to really stay in every single moment.

When you stay in the present moment… you do NOT give way to worry… stress… or anxiety.

The “present moment” is your best friend.
When you are thinking about the future… or you are remembering the past… the “present moment” is waiting for you.

Right here… Right NOW!  It does not go anywhere.

Come back to it and it is there waiting for you… just like your BEST FRIEND.

There is enough worry… stress… or anxiety in the world right now… the neuosphere is filled with it.

The neuosphere is an energetic envelop that surrounds the earth.  Within the neuosphere lives all the thoughts…and the feelings of humanity.

When you hold coherency within your energy stream… when you hold the message of your compassionate attention… first and formost.

YOU off set worry… stress… or anxiety that lives in the neuosphere.

So when people begin to tap into some anxiety… they are also “feeling” the capacity to be more coherent… because YOU are holding that frequency.

Remember everyone around you “feels” YOU.

Everyone reacts in response to that which they experience from and with you.

If you allow your SELF to BE this coherent wave… and to be living in the SILENCE… the awareness of your origin point within the void…

YOU find the peace and the quiet that brings about a greater sense of what you really are.
Rather than a reflection of what the world is.

So it really does NOT make any difference what you are doing… or where you are going.

What DOES make a difference is that you are aware of the fact that you naturally came here to master your SELF in this planet.

That is the MOST important thing that you can remember.

That is your message.

Compassionate Attention!

It creates mastery within you.

The way you will really recognize this is by allowing your SELF to really “feel” what is TRUE for YOU.

To see if there are… belief systems within your life that you no longer want to adhere to.

Remember that “belief systems” were given to you by Father… Mother… Teachers… Religions… your Government… the culture you live in… your peer group… people you work with… social life…

ALL of it attempts to get you to believe a certain concept about something.

Most belief systems are threatening rather than supportive.

They say you should do this… or this bad thing will happen… or you should NOT do that or this bad thing will happen.

ANY belief system that is threatening… does NOT support you in your message.

Look for the belief systems that create within you should… and should nots… and ask your SELF why you would want to adhere to something that is there to cause FEAR within your physiology.

Then as you allow your SELF all of your “feelings”… you watch them and you do NOT resist or push them away… you will see what your “feelings” say to you about what you believe is true.

If you will allow your SELF to examine your beliefs… and see what is in support of you as a divine master in form… and what says, “look out for this”… or “be careful of that”… “you should or you  shouldn’t”… you will assist your mastery FULLY.

Removing and dissolving these types of belief systems… removes your ego hold over any situation.

It changes your perspective of every situation.
Because in a certain way… everything becomes equal.

You do not have a lot of… “right and wrong”… “good or bad”… in your life.

It is going to make shifts for you.

Realize that the shifts are you… holding a neutral point.

Think of a pendulum swinging to the left and to the right. 

What you want to do is hold that point neutrally… in the middle.

Because when you are holding it in the middle… that’s contentment.

That’s neutral divine contentment.

And you really want to remember this… because there will come time when things may look bigger than other times.

And you “feel” like something is an exception to neutrality… and it is NOT!

Everything is included.

The beneficent unconditional LOVE of source… is NEUTRAL.

It LOVES all equally.

LOVE ALL Equally.  Bring your message to ALL equally and you will feel your alignment within source consciousness.

DO NOT Cling to any concept that you MUST do this or that… based upon your knowledge of whom or what you have been.

ALL of the lives that you are living in parallel time… there is NO past life or future life.

Within the realm of soul and spirit there is NO TIME.

ALL of the lives that you are living that has anything to do with compassion… and attention… are integrated into what you are NOW.

You cannot be divided by any of them… from any of them… they all are supporting you in your message.

This is about the truth of YOU.

If you “feel” your SELF pulling away you’re your truth… because it “look hard” to live that truth.

Ask you SELF “why it feels hard”… because truly this is the only place where you can live and be FREE!

It is the ONLY place where you can continue in your FULLNESS… without regard for anything else or anyone else that is in your life.

YOU have to be first!

Humanity has this backwards.

It’s all about giving to others and service… that’s all well and good… provided that you serve and give to your SELF first.

Otherwise you have NOTHING to give!
You will attach to others… hoping to get something from them… and if you don’t receive it… you will feel empty.

The ONLY person that can fill you is YOU.

“Love your neighbor as your SELF” does not mean… take an apple pie to the neighbor next door.

It means… LOVE your SELF so much that you can actually LOVE your neighbor… as you LOVE your SELF.

YOU have to LOVE your SELF first.

Your happiness is primary to the whole process.

Listen to YOUR heart.

Know that you are supported within your own awareness… as divinity… and love your SELF so much that you are able to give this compassionate attention… this message that you carry easily.

This is a time of transformation for YOU.

The transformation completes itself by letting go of the old habits that you have used in service to YOU for a very long time.

NOW there are new planes of existence that are available for YOU.

Within this “invitation”… is the invitation to merge the eye of the ego personality… willingly and freely… into the ONE.

This IS the greatest desire of your heart.

You will feel it more and more… as you continue as the journey that YOU ARE.

You are not really on a journey… YOU are your journey.

You are on a journey to change from one way of being… to another within your SELF.

There is NO struggle.

It is easy.

It is like… floating down a river.

Sometimes you believe that you are doing this.

NOW we are saying… don’t believe… doubt… or be concerned… KNOW that the divinity of YOU… is your SELF.

The complete answer to your next step… always lives right within your HEART… it is immediately within the reach of your grasp… and ALL you have to do is claim it.

Then you will realize that the truth of your deepest being… wishes to show you… how you wish to be RIGHT NOW.

Trust your own inner guidance… it is a very quiet soft voice… so must listen well to hear it.

When you are “feeling” your inner guidance… and you are following the lead of it… you know how integrated you “feel”.

More WHOLE than at any other time.

If you go with this direction… the light that it sheds for you… leads you exactly to the next way of being… and the next way of being…

You are journeying with HOME… within you!

It is a constant journey.  An infinite journey.

It’s expanding and expanding… think of blowing up a balloon that never pops.

It expands in all directions at once.

This IS YOU… in your journey as source in form.

Take this understanding into the heights that it deserves to fly.

YOU are a true gift to this world. Let your SELF soar on the wings of this awareness.

Let your SELF shine as the true bright star that you are.

Allowing ALL to bask in the sunshine that is YOU.

This creates a wave length that others can emulate!
They begin to shift… they complete their cycle of perfection for them SELVES… with the assistance of YOUR frequency.

Know that it is for this that you did choose your SELF… and it is for this that you did come to this earth.

One being… and angelic human… living as SOURCE in form… bringing your divinity and the awareness of it… to the WHOLE!

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