Monday, July 8, 2013


In the background, the old man has been very busy with the families, and ensuring all is in place for this coming week.

Multi-T releases have been made, and all the banks are flush with money.

By Sunday night, they will be at the height of flush, as that is when they have been told that they must stop all trading activity.

The assets they have brought into their banks  have been massively leveraged, and the bank paper is being cut at  an incredible rate to satisfy this monster appetite.

So what does this mean?

Well, the PP are (of course) dependent  on trading.

What is trading?

Trading is buying bank instruments  (like bank guarantees for example) at a very low price, and selling them to an exit buyer at a higher price.

Really complex right?

They make a spread (profit).

For example, 100 million will buy you (x) amount of paper.

The resell of that paper will make you 10-20 million on 100 million.

Do this a few times a week, and you get a very high weekly return.

This is often called the roll program or trade program, etc, but in plain talk, it is a buy/sell of securities at the  highest levels of finance, and is vehemently denied, by the powers that be, as fraud (as per the official websites).

Who really knows if this happens? [we know!]

If it does not, why is it denied so well like UFOs, and why is this a constant topic of conversation, like UFO, savvy?
 The banks have been trading like stink up to 50 times a day for the last while to stockpile money.

One of the reasons is that they have to be ready next week to start paying out the redemptions of historical instruments (old debt) and Dinar/Dong,  etc.

The old debt must disappear for the new system to function without having that tail dragging on it, very important.

Without this debt being taken care of, the cabal could have used it to continue their parade.
Not hard to figure that one out, just common sense.

It does have everything to do with providing a pad or cushion for the banks that will be involved with the payout of money for the  historic asset redemptions, and the payoff of certain cabal factions to enable them to withdraw from the scene with their  tails between their legs, but with some modicum of face, strange as it may sound. 

So they make a few trillion more through this trading, but they disappear and do not impede, or attempt to impede, what is to come, a final see ya later, bye.

So the banks in conjunction with the Chinese family (often  called the dragon family etc) and the governments have been  working overtime with upstairs [and that would be whom?] for all our benefit for this exact time in our history. 

And the agencies and services have been protecting this process with their lives, because without this being done, we would not be able to achieve peace and prosperity that is our true heritage.

Also know there is much more money in peacethan in war, so who the frik would want strife? 

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