Saturday, February 7, 2015

BALANCE 55: "The Christ" ~ Samuel

Joy without Conditions
I AM he who experiences each moment … as a precious gift and… I bless this gift out to YOU
I will continue with boundless JOY!

NEVER in this lifetime as an adult... have I felt more in my body.   
Experiencing the "state of clarity"... with "knowing" rapidly growing.

There has been an "activation" of sorts
starting with my "angelic human reading" March 2014... 
April my 60th b-day... May my "death gate"... 
August business cash flow collapse... October business closure...

Present "discharge of debt"... leaving the matrix... 
observing the "illusion" from a fresh perspective...  
Top: Clear  Shakes Together As: Intensive Light Red  
 Chakra: Root  Tarot Card: Ten of Swords
I Ching Sign: # 55 "Abundance" Thunder above, Flame below 

Main Theme: To develop sacrificial love.

Dominant Characteristics: this person through experience has developed a sense of detachment or watchfulness.

A spiritual pioneer and also a pioneer in the concrete, material world.

Is very aligned to the truth.  Is willing to sacrifice himself for a higher cause.

An idealist who is able to manifest ideas in a practical way.  Surrenders to life.

Possible Challenge Aspects: Harbors a lot of frustration from the past.

Can suffer as far as worldly matters are concerned but can also be very focused on the material world and sensuality.

Might face a lot of conflicting experiences of life and cannot cope with them.

Spiritual Level: Facilitates the process of initiation and transformation of the self. 

Creates a clear space for energy.   The feeling of being disconnected from existence is reduced.

Mental Level: Brings about clarity of thought.

Helps to stop identifying with everything, as well as to let go of resentment. 

Emotional Level: Frees the individual from the feeling that he is not being heard.  Resolves frustration and helps to transform these kinds of emotions in a positive way.

Where to Apply the Substance: Around the entire lower abdomen.  

Do not use too late in the afternoon or evening because this substance is very energizing... which can lead to sleep problems.

Affirmation: I have the energy to follow my ideals.

Soul-mates Hannah * Samuel

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