Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Many call this… CHRIST consciousness!

Christos means ANOINTING.  Jesus took on the CHRIST because he knew he was ONE with the FATHER.

I AM ONE with the FATHER. 

I AM CHRISTED… as I develop an awareness of my higher SELF… and how powerful my Christ SELF is…

I begin to see how I change and re-create my external environment to fit this NEW picture of reality.

Then I develop a sense of oneness with others and ALL of creation… because I know that everything that affects me…affects all of humanity… ALL of creation.

I live as this physical vessel that is SPIRIT here in earth… experiencing the material world… as a great BEING of light.

This is my divine blue print… within my beautiful physical temple. 

As I live within this divine alchemy… I keep in mind… that thinking LIMITS the alchemy process.

I tend to become too attached to wanting to know how things turn out!

I encounter enough obstacles in my journey without placing anxious boundaries on my own abilities.

All this does is… prevent my intuitive faculties from guiding my progress.

I loosen up and allow the flow of energy to exhibit itself through me… so I free my body to experience release and the message of my compassionate attention.

I release all sense of having to do… and the need to bring something into fruition. I let it GO!

I simply be in my MESSAGE… this will bring about resonance and coherence… within all of my bodies.

I see how easily I can hold this GIFT that is my message.

Coherence means that the troughs and the crest of the energy waves are equal.

My heart… is the strongest electromagnetic organ in my body… is what creates coherency in my body.

My heart is 5,000X more magnetic 60X more electric than my brain.

IT runs the show…

So as I sit in silence every day… I focus on my heart…

I will allow the focus I have upon my heart to FILL me with a sense of contentment and well being.

If I need to think of something to create that state… great!

I FEEL the sense of well being and contentment within my body. 

I allow it to fill every cell of my body.
MY HEART… feeling all of that brings coherence to all of my systems… and because ALL of nature is coherent… then I AM ONE with all that is…

the birds… the trees… the animals… the fruit… the flowers… they are ALL coherent.

Humanity has created incoherency! 

The energy stream is all over the place!

INCOHERENT frequencies cannot harmonize.

Coherent wave lengths of any frequencies can harmonize… that is how harmony is created.

I allow myself to FEEL the ease and flow of coherency in my life. 

I do this by loosing up… by allowing the flow to BE.

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