Friday, March 28, 2014

Angela Parker

"Moment of Truth"

A Manifesting Generator has a defined Sacral connected through any sequence of active channels to a defined Throat.

Alternatively they have a defined Sacral and at least one of the three motor centers Heart, Emotions, or Root connected through any sequence of active channels to the Throat.

You are a potential powerhouse and bundle of energy combined but require the tight rein of patience before you can release your consider­ able resources effectively.

You "MG types" make up an estimated 33 percent of the world's pop­ulation at winning of the two previous types, yet distinguishable with your own unique markings.

I call you the MG because you're a classic human vehicle in your own right, impressive in motion when you've found your speed.

You have the built-in guidance system of the gut response (as de­scribed in the Generator type) but the subtle distinction is this: you can initiate and make things happen, but only after honoring that Genera­tor gut response.

In effect, you are a Manifestor in waiting.

The vital difference that sets you apart from Manifestors and Gener­ators exists in the moment of truth between a gut response and actually manifesting.

I call this "being in the gap."

It's in this gap that you first need to taste the action to confirm an initial gut sensation.

In a basic example, if you're an MG type and a friend asks if you want to go for a walk, you get an "uh huh" positive response and get up from your seat.

This is where you enter the gap between response and manifesting, because it's when you get to the front door (tasting the action) that you actually find out the walk isn't happening for you (moment of truth) and give up on the idea.

Whereas if you were a Generator, once you'd decided to leave that seat and head for the door, you'd be committed and on that walk whether you liked it or not, carried by momentum.

This is the sub­tle but significant difference in action.

So what I tell Manifesting Generators is to view the process like this: respond by listening to your gut, find the moment of truth by putting your toe in the water, and then, if there is clarity to your conviction, make it happen.

When you do make it happen, when you're off and committed, you're powering forward with Manifestor zeal.

You've a faster gear change than a Generator.

You can go from 0 to 60 mph in four seconds and leave burn­ing rubber on the road.

You actually have many speeds and, unlike Generators' you can stop once you've engaged your energy because your manifesting side allows you to correct course midstride.

You'll also be constantly looking for the next challenge, forever on the lookout, for­ever restless.

I wouldn't be surprised to find you trying to keep several plates spinning, but your focus is best applied to one project at a time.

I always have fun imagining a Manifestor, a Generator, and a Mani­festing Generator in the same room.

This is not typical, but it's a likely scenario:

* Whooooosshhh, there goes the Manifestor, out of the door, telling…  no one.

The Generator looks up from his seat, wondering quietly about when things are going to start happening for him while flipping through a magazine.

But the frustrated MG is all antsy and pacing the room, waiting for the red light to turn green.

When it does, and when he gets a clear gut response and affirms his moment of truth, there's no see­ing him for dust.

The Generator, seeing the same green light and having his clear gut response, looks in the mirror, checks he has everything, starts to build his momentum, and then goes out there to give it his all.

My experience of Manifesting Generators is that they are always restless, fidgeting, tapping their feet, ready to engage with anything at a mo­ment's notice.

If this is you, you're an intense fusion, tom between a compulsion to manifest and waiting for the right moment, tom between the ­ need for all conquering action and the surrender of having to wait.

Once more, you must learn to wait for the green light from life itself.

*John, my friend of thirty years, always got into relationships that didn't workout.

He'd fall madly in love and have passionate affairs, and then the next dramatic step would be an inexplicable separation.

]ohn is a Manifesting Generator and would view his role in relationships as being the one to make the first move.

With his natural urge to manifest, he'd fail to wait and would jump in with both feet.

In that respect, he'd act like a pure Manifestor.

I explained to him the process required for a Manifesting Generator in all things, including relationships, but he seemed to think that persistence would ultimately payoff.

So he lurched from one disaster to another until, after a failed marriage and costly divorce, he was ready to give upon ever­ lasting love.

One evening, on his way home from work, he detoured to a health food store, but he'd left his reading glasses at work and found himself squint­ing at the labels on the shelf.

That's when fate sent an attractive woman shopper to his side.

"You seem to be having trouble. Can I help?" she asked.

John was able to feel his instantaneous gut response as a "yes."

It was while she was reading the labels to him that he applied his moment of truth in the gap between response and action.

As he chatted and laughed(tasting the action), he felt the clarity to proceed.

One thing led to another and they are now happily ensconced in a partnership of real strength.

John responded, then manifested the relationship.

From the Human Design point of view, he was not seeking any intervention at the vitamin shelf section and so he was able to respond naturally.

I'm pleased to say that he is now happier than I've ever known him to be.

The temptation within relationships for you MG types is to break the ice and make things happen.

But you're going to get it right only when you've not done the chasing and you're with a person who elicits a clear gut response from you.

Now I can hear all the men and the women who like to be wooed moaning that this can't be right.

I'm not advo­cating that all men deliberately avoid women, waiting for the vitamin shelf woman to enter their world, but I am imploring you to listen to your inner guidance system.

So, men, if you see a woman across a crowded room, check out your gut response.

If it's a "yes," make the approach and start chatting (tasting the action) and then you'll know (moment of truth) whether to proceed.

A relationship founded on that clear beginning will bring about settled harmony.

You can always observe MG types hovering on the sidelines, determining their moment of truth.

When they allow themselves the patience to find inner certainty, there is no one more determined, unstoppable, and fully committed.

They are a blessing to have on your side, manifest­ing without the volatility and unpredictability of a Manifestor.

In the workplace, a Manifesting Generator is striving to find that balance between the Manifestor and Generator aspects.

The Generator part enjoys committing to projects that require huge, sustainable energy.

The Manifesting part likes to forge into new territory and launch new proj­ects.

You MG types must be given freedom and flexibility to break new ground and reach new heights.

You are, in that respect, a tricky employee to understand, a hybrid of workhorse and pioneer.

Ideally, you'll be a respected high flyer, an executive, or someone who has the indepen­dence to operate freely.

MG children are a potential handful as they grow, struggling to find the balance between their lawless manifesting wants and sustainable generating power.

They are as torn as the elder MG types and really do need parental advice on exercising patience in their restlessness.

Par­ents are best advised not to scold them for the chaos they are liable to cause as they flit between this and that.

It can be easy for a child to escape the Mind and understand the Sacral response.

I've seen it happen with parental coaching, quieting temper tantrums.

It can be confusing for parents.

Don't be surprised if you ask your son or daughter if they want to go to the cinema and they scream,

"Yes, yes, yes!" in gut response, only to sit grumpily in the backseat of the car as you pull up outside the local Imax (tasting the action/moment of truth) and say: "I don't want to go now!"

Such infuriating indecision comes with the territory and needs to be understood.

Such episodes happen not just with children but also within the work­place and relationships.

Manifesting Generators must be tired of hear­ing the complaint:

"You said you wanted to do this twenty seconds ago!"

That was then. This is now.

Know that when they commit to something, there is always the prospect of a change in direction when that moment of truth dawns.

That moment between response and manifestation means
every­thing for these types.

It is the confirmation or rejection.

But, mark my words, when there is absolute clarity and they're marching forward with purpose toward the right relationships and right openings, they are quite brilliant at all they do.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

Your True “Self”

Within the sanctity of your inner being, is your true self, a part that remains unseen.

Quietness, surrounded by joy and peace, filled with calmness, hidden until you seek.

It's uncluttered by your future or your past, only the "now, "the" present," is what lasts.

Your true self is eternal and must grow to new heights, your soul already knows.

For you to reach this sacred state of mind, release ego and the poisons that it finds.

Then surrender; trust in what you truly feel, but be aware of what is and isn't real.

  Samuel Zink 

Integrity will guide you on your quest; let truth prevail to help you act your best.

If you can overcome the need to prove or win, then you will find your true self deep within.

And when united with your inner self, you will find there is no greater wealth.

 Eternity is real and so very divine, once your true self reveals itself to shine!

~Margaret I Jang

Going beyond horoscopes, Human Design posits that everyone is born with individuality as unique as a fingerprint.

The detailed personality readings Human Design provides empower people to make decisions…

… choose professions…
… and create relationships with ease and success because they are no longer struggling against innate strengths and weaknesses.

They are instead tapping into their personal power and destiny.

Understanding these readings allows people to align their actions with their inherent, truest self.

Chetan Parkyn, the foremost international practitioner of Human Design, now offers readers the tools to do their own readings (using a downloadable program), to map the life charts of friends and family, and even to explore the complete life charts of a variety of public figures.

Simple, accurate, and wonderfully detailed, Human Design unlocks human potential by answering the age-old question,

Human Design is ripe for these changing times, encouraging us to meet our­selves head on and be responsible for who we are.

It is a system that takes the torch from the hand of astrology and carries it to the next level, provid­ing both an accurate guide for life and a self-assessment device.

Human Design is astrology's natural successor, something gold making way for some­thing new.

No longer will it be enough for human curiosity to simply ask of others:
"What is your sign?"

You will want and need to know more.

For example, if you were born under the sign of Libra, you'll already know how different you are from fellow Librans, and yet you have to read the same forecasts.

Without an in-depth astrological reading, you are collectively defined with a one size fits all label.

But Human Design, through this book, unveils and celebrates your unique individuality.

With that in mind, perhaps a better opening question for future social introductions could be…

 "Forget your sign; what's your design?"

So, how does it work?

Human Design draws from four ancient wisdom traditions to become a system in its own right that provides a technical looking design of the person you were born to be.

It uses data to determine your exact place­ment in time and space relative to the solar system and star fields around you at the precise moment of birth.

But whereas in astrology the sky is divided into twelve compartments (the signs of the zodiac), Human Design divides it into sixty four.

This correlates to two things:
*first, the sixty four codons of the human genetic code

*second, the sixty-four hexagrams of the I Ching, a tool used by the Chinese to better understand human nature.

Each one of these sixty four compartments carries a unique meaning, allowing us to see, in depth, which character­istics make up our being.

We are all, in effect, human cells interacting within one giant energy ves­sel, the Universe, impacted by what is called a neutrino stream.

Neutrinos are minute particles that travel near the speed of light, passing through everything.

If we, as humans, live in an atmosphere of air, the Universe lives in an atmosphere of neutrinos.

These are the very emissions of all the stars in the sky, and our bodies are being bombarded by trillions of them every second of the day.

Because neutrinos have mass, they exchange informa­tion with everything they pass through, including us.

So, at the moment of birth, we are imprinted with neutrino information, which leaves a genetic thumbprint, determining the nature we will carry throughout life.

Imagine the sky above us divided into sixty four equal compartments.

Within each of these compartments there are star fields "breathing out" neutrinos, trillions at a time, in all directions.

These neutrinos pass through the planets, exchanging information as they go.

When those same neutrinos pass through us at the exact time of our birth, they leave that planetary flavored information embedded within us.

It's as if they gently "bump" our human vehicle as we enter the world, leaving an indelible impression on our beings and shaping how we are going to interact in life.

In 1987, when Human Design was first developed, neutrinos were merely a theory.

But proof arrived in the late 1990s when scientists in Japan and Canada established that neutrino particles change “flavors” and, therefore, must have mass.

This discovery, it was said, explained the "missing mass" of the Universe.

In these rapidly changing times, science is uncovering more and more about the mysteries of life.

Human Design is where science and spiritu­ality come together like never before to inform you about the essence of your life.

It provides a way of reading your genetic neutrino imprint, of seeing your own design.

When people first lay eyes on a Human Design life chart, it provokes a carbon copy reaction:

a puzzled frown forms across the brow and a bewildered voice asks:

"What-that's me?"

Yes, that's you, on the inside, the mechanics of your true nature laid bare on the page.

All those shapes, colors, lines, symbols, and numbers denote the person you were designed to be.

You are looking at the very core of your being -what makes you tick, what makes you function.

The software you downloaded creates the life chart based on two fac­tors: the first, the exact time, date, and place of your birth; and the sec­ond, a separate time, which it calculates, from a moment three months before birth the instant when the neo cortex in the front lobe of the brain turns on and when the spirit is said to enter the body.

It's at this time that the soul "tunes in" to the physical vehicle it's been handed in life.

A natal astrological calculation is made based on the time and place of your birth and the planetary influences.

Then this calculation is com­puted and combined with three other ancient wisdoms: the chakra sys­tem, the I Ching, and the Kabbalah.

All this information combines to create a life chart.

One initial question I'm often asked is

"Does my design ever change?"

The truth of the matter is that during the course of your life you will be exposed to, and perhaps conditioned by, almost every facet and nuance of the different designs of other people.

But YOUR design is consistent and forever remains your true foundation.

It is unique and can always be relied on.

There is no need to be anyone other than who you are, because you have everything you need within your design to live a complete and fulfilling life.

This understanding should remove all thoughts of wanting to change something about yourself or trying to be like someone else.

There is no "good" or "bad" design, no "better" or "worse."

There is only authenticity.

Once you accept that and start to be yourself, everything around you starts to become clear.

The beauty of what lies within will become clear as we examine you, stage by stage, chapter by chapter, identifying the different ingredients that fuse to create the whole person.

So, in order to follow this book, keep your life chart in your hand or posted on a computer screen.

I'll be the driver, taking you on a journey.

You keep your eyes on the map, because each shape, color, channel, or number tells you so much about your inside story.

"Follow Your Gut."

This is your strategy if the Sacral is defined and the Emo­tions are undefined.

Your correct decision making process is about "following your gut" ­and trusting it.

Am I seriously telling you that your best decisions in life will stem from that sensation in the lower belly?

Yes, I am. Indeed, you were born with a natural inclination to follow the gut, but this was quickly drummed out of you by…

… well meaning parents and teachers who provided the con­ditioning to use the Mind instead.

The most important thing for anyone with Sacral Authority to appre­ciate is that this inner guidance system is only ever effective when in response.

It is not proactive; it is responsive.

Thus, your authority is designed to wait until there is a clear response that speaks from the lower belly with an "uh-huh" for "yes" and "uh-uh" for "no," or that sensation of being drawn toward or repelled by something.

If there is no response, this in itself implies a lack of interest at the time.

This authority needs to be applied to everything in life.

It is not healthy for you to commit to, or engage in, anything without first wait­ing and then receiving a gut response in agreement.

You've got to be careful not to be tempted into making decisions just because of conditioning or the people around you.

An emotional friend with a contagious excitement could make an idea sound like the best thing since sliced bread;

an iron willed colleague could make a persua­sive argument to commit your vast life force energy to an important project.

At such times, your authority demands that you sit and wait for your gut response to make its voice known.

Because, as we already know, once you commit, there is no stopping you being carried onward by the Sacral's relentless momentum.

Learning to get out of the head and into the gut is how you'll learn to make wiser decisions.

Many people with a defined Sacral struggle to differentiate between gut response and emotional reaction.

A response is patient, relaxed, and measured, whereas a reaction is an unconscious reflex and hasty.

With practice, you'll learn to notice the difference and hone this authoritative skill within you.

With that in mind, I will now give you something to ponder.

Consider a time in your life when you made an important decision that turned out to be one you regretted, be that a decision to get married or let someone go, sell your house or buy a car, move to another country or move down the street.

Now recall how you made that decision.

Were you over… analyzing and thinking too much?

Did the influence of another person convince you in some way?

Were you feeling obliged to commit?

Rewind and review it all.

Look at what unfolded when you made that poor decision.

Now consider an important decision where everything turned out favorably and you felt an inner harmony.

How did you make that deci­sion?

Did you, perhaps, wait, trust your gut, and then go for it?

Your golden key to making correct and consistently better decisions lies in identifying the answers to these questions.

One Important Note: When you have both the Spleen and Sacral defined, your gut response becomes greatly enhanced by the Spleen senses.

This means that your gut is fast tracked into an instantaneous split second response.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be

20 Channel of Involuntary Impulses        57 From the Throat to the Spleen

You are an intuitive, expressive live wire whose impulses guide you through life.

You are one step ahead of most people, scanning what's in the present, and unseen future, with an almost X ray perceptibility.

Your acoustic senses detect what sounds truthful about people, projects, and the way ahead.

It is an intuition that penetrates most auras, piercing social smokescreens, hidden agendas, insincerity, and risky pursuits.

Your senses get to the core of matters because they "hear" what's really being said or offered in any moment.

There is no pulling the wool over the eyes and ears of the 20 - 57!

Your intuition is too smart, arriving instantly like brain waves, keeping you alert in any environment.

As a result, others may observe a "twitching," forever on your toes manner, but it's just the survival mechanism of the Spleen working overtime.

The activation to the Throat means there is an involuntary impulse to your voice and so there is a scatter gun tendency in your conversation.

You can be in mid conversation and suddenly you'll sense an internal jolt or twitch alerting you to something somebody has said or to a situation going on around you.

Then you'll launch into a conversation about that instead!

Often, what you perceive is completely hidden from everyone else until you relate it to them.

Having involuntary impulses means you must be wary of constant interrupting and talking over people.

When you speak out of turn you can quickly alienate others.

You can also appear anxious, worried about how the future will turn out.

Your sense of survival needs to know that you and loved ones are going to be secure and safe.

This is what is really motivating your con­stant reappraising of the world and your role in it.

But if you keep your feet on the ground and a sensible restraint on your intuitive gift, your future will always be bright.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be

20 Channel of Keeping Busy 34     From the Throat to the Sacral

You have a drive to be active and are happiest at your busiest.

The key to success in your life is being immersed in something you love doing.

When you find that pursuit, your natural drive turns into an unstoppable force, oozing capability and appeal.

Keeping busy, busy, busy that's what your life is all about, and your charisma shines forth when it finds its joy in the right pursuits, projects, and people.

You are a bundle of energy who rarely sits still because a "to do" list covers the deeds that need doing, the mountains that need climb­ing, and the people who need helping.

This is a Manifesting Generator channel that expresses its power by keeping active 24/7 and doesn't wish to be distracted.

Anyone who trav­els with you in life must be prepared to keep up with your frenetic pace.

Walk into a room and your charismatic capability empowers everyone else to become busy.

One hour in your company tends to be the required shot in the arm for others.

Your mere presence can get things moving.

You are always on the go, from one project or endeavor to another.

So the inevitable question is, "Is it enough to be busy for busy's sake?"

Absolutely not.

It is vital that you be engaged with people and projects you love.

Don't succumb to flattery or the fact that people need you on their team.

If you are continually jumping from one activity to another without discernment, you'll become an express train without brakes ­and will eventually derail.

An affirmative gut response will advise which express trains you should drive.

You can nail certificates to the wall, put lots of money in the bank, and collect trophies for the shelf.

But none of it will matter if the activity doesn't marry with your vision.

What matters to you is what you love doing.

I can't say it strongly enough, so I'll repeat it again: be aligned with your vision in all that you do!

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be

26 Channel of Enterprise 44 From the Heart to the Spleen

Enterprising by nature, you are someone whose communicative skills and desire strive to improve everything in the world by conveying cre­ative concepts.

You are the enterprising salesperson, the enterprising persuader, the enterprising investor, the enterprising messenger.

What­ever situation you face, you're innovative in your negotiation and exe­cution, forever cutting your cloth to suit the needs of the moment.

You believe that what you bring to the world can make a difference.

You can be the architect who improves a building's design, the sales­person whose product changes the world, or the charmer whose mere presence will rock someone's world.

You are a creative being, master manipulator, and charming messenger rolled into one, driven by will power, seeking to be the best.

Your communication skills, which can sometimes be masked by a court jester attitude of not taking life too seriously, can get to the heart of the matter within seconds.

You're able to defuse a conflict, get a mes­sage across, or find the tender words that someone is struggling to express.

But all your communication, whether it is in the service of diplo­macy, sales, or love, can be compelling and persuasive, because what you say comes from the heart.

That's why you're great at making the pitch for a project, opportunity, or relationship.

Entrepreneurial by nature, you are instinctive in changing situations, guided by the senses of the Spleen to follow your nose into the right ven­tures, projects, and company.

Once something smells right, you can work your magic to ensure your skills are recognized, your self interests rewarded, and money made.

Anything and everything you do and receive must be "new and improved."

You can even enter personal and business relationships with this mind-set and exit them with choice remarks such as "You won't do better than me!"

You are, in your own eyes, the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But you'll find that your self pride will glow more when you're invited to make a difference.

You will always be asking yourself whether you're engaged in some­thing for your own gratification or the common good.

The moral tussle is played out between the feel good factor of the Spleen and the ego potential within the Heart.

Either way, you're striving to be a facilitator of improvements and believe that people need what you have in your possession, be that a truth, a product, or a creative skill.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.
34 Channel of Power 57        From the Sacral to the Spleen

This channel is all about embracing the power of now… and acting on it.

You are a true force with the potential for greatness… and the power to bring about change.

The connection between the raw energy of the Sacral and the survival instincts of the Spleen mean you are a born powerhouse with an empow­ering intuition.

When responding correctly to your senses, you are awe­some in your swift and decisive actions.

No one is better at getting things done in a crisis than the 34 - 57, because the spontaneity of the Spleen's senses means you're jumping into action in an instant to save the day, galvanizing everyone else's activities as you go.

It is a power drawn to taking action to help others in distress with senses as alert as those of a superhero.

Your intuition responds to cries for help and wades into action in the interests of the survival of yourself and everyone else.

It is a power capable of resurrect­ing the lives of anyone living in a disempowered way, down on their knees.

You can also give systems, situations, and companies the kiss of life if the purpose resonates with you.

If you start a new job at 9A.M., you'll be starting the revolution by 9:05, as you hit your stride.

The unique combination of mighty energy and gentle intuition means you wield your powerful hand in a velvet glove.

Your energy gets every­one upstanding and moving toward the achievement of great things, propelled by your voice yelling: "Go, go, go! Now, now, now!"

You already know that your considerable abilities and energy are sought out by others, but realize the need for discretion in how to use ­them.

Bringing healing and well… being into the lives of those around you can be a naturally wonderful sensation, but remember to look after your own needs first!

Former British prime minister… Margaret Thatcher has this channel, and look at the power she wielded to bring about the "Thatcher revolution."

Whatever you think of her decisions, the "Iron Maiden" felt Britain had its nose in the mud when she took power in 1979 and wanted it back on its feet.

So she set about making it happen, with an eye on bettering its future.

This is a natural response of the 34-57, taking action for the long term good that might even become a lasting legacy.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.
32 Channel of Transformation 54    From the Spleen to the Root

You are immensely driven and determined to succeed through applying yourself… and finding the right people who can help you climb the career ladder.

You sometimes sense a power greater than yourself thrust­ing you forward and upward.

Your motto is almost "I'll make it to the top… no matter what it takes!"

Material or spiritual success matters to you and you're forever scouring your environment to find the allies and connections that can help you get there.

This fierce ambition is fueled by a fear of failure, injected by gate 32, and this means there is a tendency for you to become a workaholic.

You can be the last out of the office or putting in overtime, determined to impress the boss or hit the latest sales or performance targets.

You're here to expand and compete to be the best in life.

The 32 – 54 is the Channel of Transformation because it can shake up your life and all those around you once your advancement kicks in.

You have a compul­sion to succeed, and your contacts book is brimming with connections to those who can assist your ascent into a position of power and wealth.

You are all about power meetings in the boardroom and behind the scenes chats that can fast track your life.

But, as a result, the one ques­tion you're forever asking yourself in business and social circles is "Can this person help get me where I want to be?"

In this regard, you follow the senses of the Spleen and follow your nose.

If you trust those senses, you'll be guided to the right connections.

You bring transformation into the lives of everyone you meet and can find yourself in great demand.

That's because people know you'll work all hours and schmooze away to make things happen.

So make sure you engage in all situations from a well adjusted win win perspective and not from a need of selfish gain.

When you find this balanced approach, you will discover that everyone willingly gathers to support your causes.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.
29 Channel of Discovery 46    From the Sacral to the Self

"OK, here comes the whirlwind.

Life's going to get interesting, so fasten your seatbelts and hang on to your hats!"

When someone says this, you can bet that a 29-46 has just entered the scene, bringing the potential to embrace success.

You are someone who is here to immerse yourself in the discoveries of life if only you can ditch the attached expectations.

These days, everyone wants guarantees of success before committing, but with this channel, you're designed to dive in without thinking and derive the value of the experience itself.

And then you'll find something magical hap­pens: success naturally finds you.

It's as if the Universe hears that you're in it for the value of the experience and wishes to reward you for what life intended.

It also knows there is a natural potential, locked within the Sacral, for you to succeed where others fail.

Post that motto on your door or desk: "I succeed where others fail."

The truth of this channel is that if you commit to the right people and projects, the sky is the limit.

But therein lies the key: the activation to the Self means it's vital that you have clarity and passion for what you're doing.

Then the potent mix of life force energy with love of the physical dance of life generates such a whirlwind and such dedication that failure is out of the question.

Once you receive an affirmative gut re­sponse to engage, the clock goes out the window as you become an all consumed embodiment of what you're doing, losing yourself in the experience.

Nothing can distract you, and the Channel of Discovery is intended to embrace success, because with that rare combination of energy and passion motoring within, you're the one person who can make it happen.

It is a sight to behold as you dissolve into the totality of an experience, and partners must learn to appreciate your all-consumed nature.

I com­pare it to watching the mystical dance of a whirling dervish.

It starts slowly but, as the tempo and music quicken, the dervish spins so fast that the dancer disappears, becoming the whirl.

The 29-46 is one of four "tantric channels."

Although tantra is a word often associated with sex, it actually denotes the potential for trans­muting energy from a lower to higher form.

With the 29-46,you turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

This is why you'll have countless people seeking your input to launch their own rockets.

Use your gut response to commit correctly and selectively, and immerse yourself in one experi­ence at a time.

Do this, and a life of fulfilling discovery and success is within reach every time.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be. 
1/3 Profile

You are a restless soul, so I will endeavor to make this engaging enough to retain your interest;

otherwise, you'll be off in pursuit of the next stim­ulation in an endless search for stability and steady ground in a change­able world.

Despite an introspective side, you are an engaging and down to earth person with a profound and personal connection to the world, uncon­sciously thirsty for the juice of life, eager to learn and seeking the "lat­est, greatest, and newest."

As such, you have a tendency to enter into projects or relationships with an open yet inquisitive nature, forever try­ing to determine their quality and value before committing 100 percent.

Herein lies a first line deep insecurity: the fear that the rug could be pulled from under your feet at any moment.

When coupled with the unconscious noncommittal nature of the third line, this keeps you hop­ping, a cat on a hot tin roof.

Yet you are privately crying out for rock solid foundations and something to hold on to.

If something or someone doesn't feel secure, you will find fault, express boredom, or provide any excuse to disengage and retreat, some­times abruptly.

You don't like feeling hemmed in and you have an innate sense of what is and isn't working, be that a relationship or a project.

If we were engaged in conversation, I would notice a directness in your communication and an eagerness to get the point of the subject matter.

It is typical of your nature: getting to the bottom of things, absorbing, learning, taking away... and moving on.

Walk into any gathering and the first line in your profile will make direct contact, determining the foundations as the third line begins its engaging­ disengaging exploration, hungry to meet new people, hungry for experi­ence.

One minute, you'll be the social bee, the next minute, outta there!

Your eagerness for new things and people means you are liable to jump into projects and relationships and think later.

This is symptomatic of a slightly self absorbed, head down, driving forward approach that is oblivious to its impact on anyone else.

In this respect, you need to be watchful of cutting people dead just because your interest levels have waned.

You are a competent individual, but there can be a bit of the hit or miss about your approach because of the "try it and see" side of the third line.

You experiment on the job.

When things go well, you can be jettisoned into exciting and successful orbits, leaving you in a state of awe and joy, embodying and being the experience.

Until, that is, the restless moment comes to move on yet again!

But you keep building through life, layer upon sturdy layer, seeking to improve yourself and your future.

In the end, you come to realize something repetitious about the way you live.

OK, so you might have made all the right moves and lived life to the fullest, but there will be no real sense of breakthrough or lasting success.

Ultimately, you will reach a point where non confronted insecurities cannot be avoided and the need for stability will have to be addressed.

Your bottom line the bedrock of who you are is the need to find secure and trusting foundations.

When a project or person feels so important that you don't wish to lose it, you will, finally, put your stake in the ground, claim the land, and start to build home, business, and family in the interests of longevity.

When you find that place, your commitment is total.

In the unusual surroundings of self-assurance and steadfast support, you find fulfillment, meaning, and much sought-after acceptance of who you are.

Relationships: Your 1/3 partner has a secretive, introspective side, often talking quietly to him or herself and asking:

"What am I getting out of this?" and

"Is there enough value to sustain a secure future?"

Notice there is no regard for what you are getting out of this.

1/3 profiles need to receive, receive, receive before they learn to trust and give, give, give.

Appreciating this self indulgence is to understand that, deep down, it is nothing but well ­hidden insecurity.

Trust is imperative if they are to wholly commit, so be watchful for the prodding, probing, and provocative questions of an investigator, try­ing to determine their safety in your arms.

Until they are sure, they can adopt an almost evasive, slippery attitude.

This can make them appear detached and impersonal.

Indeed, there is always the risk that they will suddenly be out the door, leaving not a single clue as to the reason for their abrupt exit.

This, inevitably, can be both distressing and confusing for those left behind.

But this is the nature of the 1/3 profile.

I often find that it is the partner of the 1/3 who has to be the anchor, providing the reassurance.

But when assured of love and security, the noncommittal 1/3 profile is the most solid and faithful partner to have at your side.

Compatibility: Your ideal profile matches are other 1/3s and 4/6 profiles.

Away from such synergy, you would also find easy company with 3/5, 3/6, 5/1, and 6/3 profiles.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

What NOW?
Just be yourself," they say.

How many times have we heard that?

It's often said to help ease a nervous first date, a daunting social invita­tion, or the first day on a new job.

There is always someone armed with that well-intentioned advice: "Don't worry… just be yourself and every­thing will be fine!"

The problem is this: how many of us know what being ourselves actu­ally means?

Who is this "true self' the private inner being that hides behind the mask it wears for most public interactions, that real person we are when stripped of our ego and acts of social graces aimed at win­ning respect, approval, or popularity?

Psychologists the world over would say that millions of people pass through life without ever realizing what constitutes their true self.

It's as though we have forgotten our unique individuality in the collective rush to be all things to all people, to fit the picture-perfect portrayals in magazines, television dramas, and movies.

It's as though the naturalness and authenticity with which we were all born and which we unleashed with unaffected abandon as children have been crushed, repressed, or even disallowed.

Instead, conformity and responsibility in adulthood have combined to distort or shrink our true natures.

Millions of us parade as someone other than our true selves without even realizing it, adopting an "acting personality" shaped by the conditioning of our pasts and the judgments, expectations, and rules of others.

Along the way, we've picked up and collected traits and acceptable responses that are deemed the "norm," so there's always a tendency to act as we believe we should act, or how we've been trained to act, all the time keeping our inner beings bound and gagged.

In that regard, I am reminded of a woman who sought me out to help rediscover a lost connection to the real person who, she said, had mys­teriously disappeared during her marriage.

Jayne told me: “All I want is to be myself again, act like myself again, feel like ~ myself again.

I don't want to be this person I've created and be­come.

I know the real me is different, waiting to get out and be braver, less afraid of being hurt, less worried about the judgments of others, less afraid of taking on the world, desperate to laugh and dance again.

She's in there. I know she is.
But I've no idea where to look anymore.

I need to be reminded of the me that has become lost.”

Like Jayne, most of us adopt a persona a word that originates from the Greek for "mask."

But what really matters is the authentic person behind the mask, that we are "seen" and recognized for who we truly are.

In writing this book I hope to bring you back home to the essence and safe harbor of your inner being, reuniting you with the person you were born to be and the life you were meant to live.

That's why this is not a self­ help book but a self reminder, directing you to rediscover the essence and uniqueness of the real you.

What I'm introducing is a one of its kind system and self awareness tool called Human Design, a system where science meets spirituality, a system that intends you to be loved, accepted, and understood for WHO you are.

Which is why it asks one question at the outset: "Are you living your Human Design?"

This system is built on the wisdom that the acceptance and embrac­ing of your true nature are the essence of finding personal happiness, fulfillment, and freedom, which, in turn, can lead to finding and creat­ing healthier relationships.

This book is the culmination of fifteen years in the field of Human Design.

I have immersed myself in its truths, giving one on one readings and holding group seminars, and it has been a long held wish of mine to share its prescient insights with a much wider audience because of the quiet revolutions it kick starts.

I have lost count of the people who have walked through the front door of this system and emerged through the back exit renewed and invigorated.

Once its truths become apparent, it induces an awakening that is both empowering and transformative.

It provides concrete infor­mation for you to act on by altering the way you view yourself and approach interactions with others.

In the words of educator Stedman Graham: "When you have a sense of who you are and a vision of where you're going in life, you then have the basis of reaching out to the world, and going after your dreams for a better life."

Once you apply this system's knowledge to your life, the possibilities are endless.

But knowledge is not the only qualification I bring to the table.

Experience has also been my teacher, and I personally have Human Design to thank for bringing me back "home" and changing my life a life that was seemingly going nowhere back in 1975.

I was sure the perfect storm was going to consume our hundred foot motor yacht.

There almost seemed a surreal lull between the heaving rolls of the forty foot swell as we were driven across the Atlantic Ocean, a lull between life and death.

I remember the chill, the pitch darkness, and the freezing spray of Atlantic water as this hurricane storm suddenly struck two days out of Bermuda.

I was at the wheel, between Nassau and Malta, when the mother of all waves hit and the boat was knocked sideways. I gripped the wheel for dear life, convinced we were capsizing and that death was imminent.

Then, with agonizing slowness, the boat righted herself.

It was a terri­fying experience.

This journey through the hurricane lasted for nine days and nights.

I remember tying myself onto a bunk with ropes, wedged between two wooden drawers, and disappearing into a place beyond prayer.

Two days after nearly capsizing, as the storm still raged, it was my birthday always a time of review and reflection.

I took a break in the gray light of day and hunkered down in one of the speedboats tied to the top deck to smoke a rare cigarette by way of meager celebration.

As I did so, everything inside me went quiet, the storm around me seemed to mute, and I had a sudden realization of how miraculous our escape had been.

I thought to myself, "Surely there's more to my life than this!"

I had dropped out of school in England, traveled the world for two years, and then completed an apprenticeship before earning a mechan­ical engineering degree at university.

After taking one or two small jobs in Europe, I'd ended up repairing and delivering luxury motor yachts around the world.

But after we'd arrived in Malta and I'd thanked the gods for my survival, I packed it all in and retreated to the Shetland Islands, to the north of Scotland, to take stock of my life.

All I knew was that I needed to get away. I started asking that "Who am I?" question, and don't mind admitting that such introspection led to a pretty dark time.

The remoteness of my croft house on a hilltop in the middle of nowhere was almost a perfect analogy for the personal wilderness in which I'd lost my sense of self.

During those eighteen months in the Shetlands, my dad, Roderick Parkyn, passed away.

Another rope tethering my stability started to fray.

Then, one night, sitting in the candlelit gloom of the croft, a week after scattering his ashes on his favorite sea shore in Scotland, I felt this unmis­takable spirit enter the room.

Those who have known grief and have felt another's spirit will know what I'm talking about.

It was a powerful expe­rience and one that released me from my isolation.

In a quiet but reas­suring voice within I heard him telling me, "It's all right. You can go now."

A couple of days later, I was sitting on the front doorstep, flipping through Exchange &Mart, when with some synchronicity, this ad jumped out and called to me: "Free Trip to Nepal for Diesel Mechanic.

" Propelled by Dad's reassurance, I applied and successfully landed the job-as both mechanic and driver for the trip to Nepal.

This was the start of an exhil­arating journey of self-discovery.

I soon found myself driving a Magic Bus on the hippie trail to India, a place that ultimately became my home for five of the next eleven years.

In 1979 I was introduced to the ashram of Osho, an enlightened master who at the time was known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

Being in his company is another story for another time. For now, let me just say that he continues to touch my heart very deeply.

One guidance that Osho offered was that if people had really personal questions about themselves, they should visita "shadow reader" in Bom­bay (now Mumbai).

Of course, I had to do it. This remarkable man met me, smiling, at the door of his apartment.

He was clean shaven, in his late thirties, wearing a billowing shirt and trousers, and there was a bright twinkle in his eye.

In a parking area below his apartment, his son pro­ceeded to measure the length of my shadow, cast onto the ground by the sun.

Back upstairs, the shadow reader did some calculations, rolled his chair along a huge bookshelf, pulled out one of many identical looking volumes, turned to a page, and started reading in Sanskrit, a classical language of India.

Among many things, he predicted that my personal awakening would happen later in life.

I would be introduced to a system, would master it and then teach it.

"System? What system? What is he talking about?" I thought.

His advice was that I should experiment with reading for people to learn the skills of interaction while imparting personal and important information relevant to their lives.

One week later… I meta psychic palmist who gave me a fast track intro­duction on how to read hands and faces.

And so it was that after some practice-makes perfect I began to read palms.

It came naturally to me and I loved it.

My travels took me to America, Switzerland, Brazil, Hol­land, Germany, and Japan before I settled in Hawaii for the next nine years, reading the stories contained within people's hands.

Then, in 1993, I heard that a woman friend was organizing classes for a man called Ra Uru Hu, who was introducing a system to America called Human Design.

I was sent a curious looking chart that was supposed to represent my life's design, and it dawned on me that this was the very system the shadow reader had talked about.

Its origins were intriguing. Ra, a Canadian previously known as Alan Krakower, had been a born cynic who had worked as a newspaper advertising salesman and filmmaker but had gone through a series of major disappointments, which had led to his flying to Europe and catching a bus to Spain.

A casual remark by a fellow passenger had directed him to the island of Ibiza.

There, an event took place that changed his world.

On the evening of January 4,1987, he was returning home on foot with his dog, Barley Baker, when he saw a light shining from inside his remote cottage.

He knew perfectly well that the lamp had no oil in it, so he won­dered what was going on.

As man and dog entered the property, Barley started to growl, then fell prone to the floor.

Ra himself described feeling some kind of internal explosion.

Within moments, he was standing in a pool of his own per­spiration.

He then heard a male "voice" insisting he get to work. He was receiving something profound from the Universe.

Call it channeling. Call it inspiration. Call it what you will.

But he started writing and sketching and continued for eight days and nights.

From those writings, Human Design came into being.

As surreal as that story may sound, its inescapable truth can be wit­nessed in this book, for these are the teachings that Ra brought into the world, a gift from the Universe.

It is a system that simply works.

For the next seven years I traveled regularly from Maui to attend classes with Ra…

… and in the same way that I had learned to read palms, I taught myself to read Human Design life charts.

I started giving readings to friends and clients and began to see that the information was both mean­ingful and empowering.

After four years, it was time to articulate all I had learned to a wider audience and I started teaching classes about the system.

One of the people who came to these classes had a profound impact on me, and it felt as if she was opening a whole new magical doorway.

Carola was a spiritual astrologer and counselor, and she could see in her own way how clearly we were connected.

Ultimately, she invited me to move to be with her in California and we married.

She started using Human Design in her counseling practice and also noticed how it as­sisted clients to move through certain issues and find clarity about who they were as individuals.

I, too, was well aware of the empowering impact the system could have on people.

For many people, it truly was the difference between being lost and then feeling found, granting them permission to be themselves once more.

Human Design isn't a guarantee for happiness, nor will it remove the challenges and pain of normal life.

But I've seen how it can change lives. It changed mine. Now I intend it to change yours.

Most of us, at some point, have become frustrated with our lot and whis­pered self searching questions such as "Who am I?"

"What am I doing with my life?"
"What is my purpose?"

It seems more and more people are engaged in an endless search these days searching for the perfect career, perfect partner, and per­fect life.

The very word searching means looking for something that is lost, lacking, or missing and we fall into the trap of believing that all the answers lie outside ourselves.

Yet the answers already lie on the inside.

Those answers are detailed in a design of which the Universe is the architect, a design of the person you were programmed to be, your Human Design.

It is a document that represents your blue print for life a blueprint of your personality.

Once you've become acquainted with this information, you will know whether the life you're living fits with your design.

This is not some New Age concept; its accuracy is inescapable and timeless.

It is not a philosophy or a belief; it is an actuality rooted in science that speaks its own power.

Nor does it require the attraction or manifestation of wishes or desires.

There is no asking, visualizing, or positive thinking required, because its truth already exists within us.

When I assert that truth, I'm not making some fashionable statement of rhetoric…

I quite literally mean the truth is within like a set of tools within a boxed set, waiting to be picked up and used to carve out a niche and purpose in life.

Once reacquainted with your "design for life," you will start to feel the ripples across all areas of your existence:

In relationships and friendships, it determines the dynamics between peo­ple, allowing you to see where there is synergy, conflict, or nothing in common.

In the family and at home, it explains differences between siblings and highlights the practical and emotional interactions between parent and child, husband and wife.

In the workplace, it illustrates to employers or clients the different nat­ural abilities within each person a vital tool for improving collec­tive productivity.

In the classroom, it shows teachers the capabilities of each pupil and how to bring out the best in each child.

On the social scene, it makes you aware of the magnetisms at play and why you are drawn to certain people and repelled by others.

Relationships with yourself, your partner, friends, parents, siblings, col­leagues, and bosses are all impacted by the power of this system.

And through it we can learn to understand one another on a much deeper level, thus becoming more effective and empathetic parents, friends, lovers, and colleagues.

It is the most logical, freshest, and clearest insight into the self that there could ever be.

I can confidently say that you won't have seen anything like it before, so prepare for an intimate odyssey whose final destination is a true understanding of the person you were designed to be.

Prepare to meet yourself.  Prepare to meet the real you.
Chetan Parkyn San Marcos, CA May 2010

Samuel Zink

204 9th Ave. S. Nampa, ID 83651

Cell: 208.859.7065

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Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be        $20

Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are         $20

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Your Human Design           $30

Personal Reading                 $80

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