Tuesday, October 8, 2013

growth, struggle, challenge, expansion

Crescent Moon Phase: growth, struggle, challenge, expansion
Moon: Sagittarius
Leeamose (lee-a-mose) Zeta Reticulan - Female 6D

Time stops in many regards today.

As it does, it enables us to catch our breath and recollect… or regroup as the case may be.

Each day carries its own unique energetic signature based on the combination of astrological energies. 

We contribute to the energetic imprint every day. 

When these signatures "return," they have their core themes along with whatever mental, emotional, or physical state we have projected into it in the past.

One of the nice things about the energetic signature of today is that it morphs our experience of time just when we need time to process. 

It is exceptionally introspective energy.  

Our minds will naturally quiet and work at a deeper, cleaner, more efficient level. 

Our higher self overrides whatever is going on with us and endeavors to settle us down. 

Please understand that I am talking about multiple levels or fields here. 

This is working on all levels - physical, emotional, spiritual, inter dimensional, space-time, consciousness.

To facilitate the process, take a step back or out and take a wider view. 

Let the wiser version of yourself expand the parameters so that you gain clarity. 

Leeamose (lee-a-mose) Zeta Reticulan - Female 6D
 Clear Bright Yellow – Silver - White
Unified Love, Medical Doctor, Teacher - Children

      She says, " I am a kind, compassionate and humble being who has spent thousands of years studying and integrating emotions and feelings to bring about the unified love of Spirit.
       ·         I am based on a large space station and am considered to be an emissary or ambassador who understands creation through the emotional body. 
       ·         In my world I am also what you would call a medical doctor and a teacher. 
       ·         My interests have led me to work with healing through energy, genetics and the creation of life. 
       ·         At this present time I am teaching children and absolutely cherish the experience"

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