Thursday, September 26, 2013

Transition into Aquarian Age

Information about the evacuation of mankind has raised a lot of interest.

Let's look at this information from a higher perspective of a transition into a New Age.

A change that is now occurring on Earth is only a reflection of a drastic change which is happening on a cosmic scale.

There is an alignment of the whole Universe with the will of the Creator and his will is Oneness of the whole creation.

So this Universe is responding on impulse from above and changes its state from expansion (out breath) into contraction (in breath).

Now it is exactly in the turning point, in a state of no breath. In this point Divine will can manifest directly through the whole Creation.

This energy is transmitted through the centre of the Galaxy in spiral movements outwards.

Because of distortions in the space-time continuum structure, it does not reach the whole Galaxy exactly at the same moment of our linear time.

Now it has reached our planet and enables us to raise our consciousness from duality into Oneness. Earth is traveling through a ring of Light, which represents the transition zone between old and new energies.
Zone of ring of Light is an area of dimensional opening of the 11: 11, zone of leap from 3rd to 5th dimension.

Entrance in this dimensional opening of the 11: 11 began on the 11th of January 1992 and announced the beginning of rifts in the time­ space structure, through which at that date on this planet the energy of cosmic love and oneness began to pour in.

On Earth, the transition in consciousness of Oneness will be taking place in islands of Light.

These New Age communities began to be established in 1995.

Soul families will gather in those communities, these are groups of people who are aligned as souls.

Also soul mates will meet there and twin souls also.

Intimate relationships which were in the world of duality possible only between two individuals will expand to a whole group.

On the 11th of August in 1999 at 11 hours 11 minutes at total solar eclipse Earth went through sipapu, a dimensional axis of oneness.

This represents a culmination point of transition through the opening of 11:11, where the point of cosmic no breath will reach this planet.

The transition through the opening the 11:11 will be continuing on Earth until 2012, when Earth will be accepted in the Galactic network of Lights as an equal Planet.

During the transition through the 11:11, Earth is assisted by cosmic brothers, members of the Ashtar Command.

This is a large group of about 10 million beings of Light who surround our planet in their space ships.

They are guided by Christ or as they call him, Sananda.

Currently the first wave of Ascension is in the centre of their attention.

Ascension is a rising of consciousness from third dimensional consciousness of duality, where time, space, limitations, causes and consequences, life and death exist into the fifth dimensional consciousness where only light, oneness, love and immortality exist.

It is a rising of consciousness into a liberated state of Ascended Masters, which will return later on Earth and create miracles like Jesus did.

The first wave of Ascension will happen, when our cosmic brothers will gather among humanity from 1000 -2000 volunteers which will be ready to give themselves to this process.

This will occur with assistance of etheric technology of the liquid light which the Ashtar Command has at its disposal, with activating soul codes which transform our consciousness into the consciousness of the Ascended Master.

At the first wave of Ascension the most aware STAR PEOPLE, who live among humanity, will go.

STAR PEOPLE are angelic beings which entered human evolution from other star systems, like Sirius or Pleiades.

Ascension is for them a logical step in their development.

Ascension is a lifting of consciousness, which will be occurring along with a lifting of physical bodies in the space ships with the help of a light beam.

A candidate for Ascension will see then a light opening which will be so intense that he would see it with his eyes open or closed.

If he enters this opening he will be lifted on a ship, if he does not he will stay on the Earth.

Ascension is actually the free will of individual.

By deciding for Ascension we do not need to worry what will happen with the children, because children of Ascended volunteers will go with them.

Those volunteers could return later on Earth as Ascended Masters and prepare people for the second wave of Ascension, and lift their consciousness.

The first wave of Ascension is available for everybody; the most important is a sincere and clear decision.

Of course, everybody who decides for this will go through the intense and extensive preparations.

Those who will not succeed to be prepared at the time of the first Ascension will be most likely prepared in the time of the second wave.

Nobody needs to be afraid that he will not make it.

It is not important for the Ascension to be completely aware and cleansed.

Unconditional decision is much more important.

When we accept this decision, our life begins to change extremely fast.

A process of cleansing emotional blockades and mental patterns is started.

It is important that we do not identify ourselves with the process, that we have our goal always ahead of us and that we trust because this process is guided from above by the Ascended Masters. Regular meditation helps very much.

It is good that we forgive ourselves and others, that we release attachments to people, things and situations in our lives and that we clear all unfinished.

Then we can open our heart towards beauty and raise our consciousness.

When the Masters who will return to Earth after the first wave will gather enough volunteers, the second wave of Ascension will take place.

There are about 144.000 of volunteers needed for the second wave.

This is a critical mass of Ascended Masters, which is needed for the humanity as a whole, to go into the New Age.

When the Masters of the second wave return to Earth, they will prepare people for the third wave and evacuation.

The third wave of evacuation will happen around the time of evacuation of mankind.

As long as the evacuation is only a lifting of physical body into the space ship, the Ascension represents also a lifting of consciousness.

All people will be informed about evacuation in the right time, through the media or through telepathic communication, and evacuation will be available for everybody.

The sky will be covered by large mother-ships and there from the smaller ships will descend right until the surface of Earth, and those smaller ships will emanate a special light beam.

Everybody, who would, by his free decision, enter that light beam, would be evacuated.

Evacuation will be taking place very fast, about 15 minutes for all mankind.

It will be most important at that time that people will trust ships, that they will not be afraid.

Un- ttachment towards material things is also important, because when we will go upon the ships we will not take anything with us.

Upon the ships people will gather together and find their families and friends.

Then they will have an opportunity for choice.

If they would like to live in duality as before on
Earth, they will be evacuated on other planets.

If they would like to live as beings of Light, they could return to Earth as Ascended Masters.

In the meantime Earth will become a Planet of Light.

Those who are STAR PEOPLE could return to home planets or go to higher level of being, or, of course, they could also stay on Earth.

Beloved family of starry angels has activated inner fire in our rainbow bodies and began to gather in vortices of deliverance to build together the Galactic network of light.

The spark of our divine will has begun to create energetic vortices that call other parts of our starry being and then merged together as cosmic mother father we create twelve fold stars of Ascension...

We are in time of sacred union.

We are in a time of group intimacy.

Intimacy is that which brings us closer together… telling deeper truth about ourselves, expressing our feelings, merging physically.

Experiencing all energies through our heart in a group… merging of soul families with our bodies and souls.

Everybody can join and is accepted.

But there needs to be a yearning for Oneness in our hearts, openness on all levels and willingness to release all possessiveness and to release all relationships that do not bring us happiness.

In our groups we meet each other as angel beings and men and women simultaneously.

We heal the split between our love energy and our sexual energy.

We express our sexual energy through our open heart and fuse it with energy of love.

Many times we do not need to express it in a sexual union.

Many times it is enough that we express it with a gentle touch.

And it will transform into love and create a fifth dimensional field of liquid light.

We deepen our sacred union with deep sixth dimensional soul mate relationships and by becoming One being with our beloved twin soul in octave seven.

These new relationships are external manifestation of our light body.

They enable the manifestation of fifth to seventh dimensional reality in physical world.

All beings that merge with us are multidimensional projections of One divine spark, scattered fragments of starry being that now merge into One being again.

All these multidimensional interlocking levels of merger create wheels within wheels of spiral movements that create the vortex of Ascension.

This vortex serves as a multidimensional buffer during our transition from third to seventh dimension (octave seven).

It causes the activation of group light body and finally group Ascension.

Where are we going?
Hello, dear brothers and sisters. This is the Ashtar Command, Krotron Star Base.

We are your cosmic brothers; we are coming in peace and Light to help you in this transition in a new state of consciousness.

Your world is amidst great changes and is on a brink of a great evolutionary leap.

Your world will be taken into the Light.

Rejoice because the time of deliverance has come.

In our light ships we encircle your Planet and the one that you call Christ and we call Orthon Sananda is guiding us.

And in his name we are giving you a message of redemption.

Redemption on your world will happen in three waves of Ascension.

And now we are issuing a call to those among you who would like to be ascended in the first wave.

Those who will decide for that will be lifted on our space ships by the use of the light column and upon our ships a transformation of your consciousness will be taking place.

Your consciousness will be expanded from the third dimensional human consciousness into infinite fifth dimensional consciousness, which will expand beyond all spaces and times into no time and no space.

You will realize joy of liberated being; you will live in cosmic love.

Your mortal body will transform into eternal body of Light that you will be like Angels in Heaven.

Then you could return to Earth, walk among your human brothers and sisters and spread the presence of Love.

You will gather in Communities of Light and show people the path of Light in line with the natural laws.

But your return to Earth is not the only choice.

You could travel further in depths of space and explore miraculous worlds.

Know that the final time has come, that we have been waiting for thousands of years.

Now all yearnings of all hearts will be completed, miracles of all miracles will happen.

Miracles are natural expression of Love in cosmos, only on your planet you believe otherwise.

If there is a yearning for deliverance in your heart, if there is a yearning to become a being of Light in your heart, make your decision.

The Ascension process is a transformation which is available for everybody, who decides for that.

When you accept this decision we will begin to help you on this path by sending you the energy of Light and Love.

Cleansing of your thoughts, feelings and bodies will start to prepare you for extremely high vibration of Light beam which will pull you upon the ships.

Your perception of world and life will begin to change.

Rigid thought patterns will begin to fall apart and will make room for the presence of Love.

Suppressed emotions of anger, fear or sadness will begin to surface that you would make them conscious and release them.

Everything which was hidden will become visible, to be healed with love.

Your body will react on higher vibration with different unusual symptoms.

Sometimes you will be tired or sleepy without any obvious reason, sometimes exceptionally full of energy.

If you decide for the Ascension this is a path to unknown.

Therefore it is important to listen to the wisdom of your heart, which knows what is true, which knows that the Ascension is a path of Love.

Doubts and tests will appear.

If you would like to enter into the Ascended state, it is important to release all the attachments to your third dimensional world.

In one moment you will face the moment of decision between your old and new reality.

Then you will know that you need to release everything, which is not in the resonance with your highest truth, but you need to release all compromises, if you would like to go ahead.

Then go deeper in your heart where you will find peace and insist at your decision.

Open to our presence, call us, invite us in your life.

Many people in your country are already connecting with us and are receiving many gifts from us.

There is no reason for you not being among them.

It is important for you to learn self love.

Forgive yourself all debts that you might have, because you are a beautiful Divine being.

And when you forgive yourself, your heart will open and you will forgive your brothers and sisters.

Focus upon that which is true and search for beauty everywhere you go.

Beauty will lead you in a new world, which soon will be everything which exists, because the former world will fall apart.

The first wave of Ascension will happen in a moment, when there are enough volunteers all around the world.

This could be at any moment.

So be awake and ready.

When that moment comes we will overflow you with Light, so that you will see pillar of Light clearly in front of you, with your eyes open or closed.

And if you enter this pillar we will take you upon the ships.

By this decision do not worry what will be with your closest that you leave behind.

They will be taken care of.

If you have children they will go along with you.

All the others who are close to you will be informed about your departure in their dreams.

Actually you will not depart anybody.

Mostly you will return to Earth in few months to lead all humanity into the Light.

And we are with you...

A call to the Starry Family
We are your brothers and sisters of light; we are here with you to issue a call of awakening.

It has come a time for you to awaken and radiate in your light bodies as angelic beings and prepare for your Ascension.

Once long ago in the past the whole starry family was living in a beautiful oneness.

You have entered duality to gain wisdom and now you can enter even greater oneness.

Transition from duality into oneness is occurring right now.

Between 1992 and 2011 your planet is traveling through the dimensional doorway of 11:11, a ring of light that is a band of energy of a very high vibration.

It is a zone of overlap between two very different systems of evolution, that of duality and that of oneness.

During this time whole star family will ascend, merge with cosmic brotherhood and then return through the star gate of AN in Orion into galactic evolution of oneness.

Together we will build a galactic network of light.

And now we are issuing a call to your awakening and uniting of starry family on this planet, so we can all together go home, into galactic oneness.

Your awakening begins, when you realize that you are angel coming from the stars. 

NOTE: A copy of this manual (workbook spiral bound) is available anywhere in the US for $30 including freight. 
Learn more:

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