Sunday, March 1, 2015

Somewhere I have never travelled

The proportion of one's healing abilities...
is relative to the amount of pain...
one has experienced.
You can imagine someone living in France or BALTIMORE or Boise… who wakes up one morning and says…  OMG I suddenly get it… I know why I’m here… I know who I am… I know what it’s all about…

It is because YOU - Samuel have actualize your SELF today.
They do not need to know who YOU are… they don’t have to have any information about you at all…

All they know is that they suddenly re member… because you are catalyzing the “whole”.

Once you are able to accept these words… then you will be able to “feel” the authenticity...

... and that will quell any doubt that you might have.  Just allow your SELF to observe… to witness… the new habit patterns that you have.

Of watching the divine earth unfold… through your Angelic Human eyes.  Let go of any anxiety… any stress… any concern… any fear… about any thing!

Stay in the power of the present moment… and all that you are being and doing.  Because that is where the actual activity of you unleashes itself within this plane.

It’s where your greatest power and your greatest good come from in all cases.  The timing that is the PERFECTION of your life is all around you.

All you have to do is… let it unfurl within your SPIRIT… as you keep your eye on the compassionate responses within your SELF… to your Angelic message.

Then you will realize that you are coming to the edges of maturity.  Mature into the awareness of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.

The awareness of YOU… and what you have brought to this EARTH.  Embrace this.

And as you are able to do so… you begin to realize that the changes occurring are not only in the world… they are happening within YOU.

These changes relate to an inner aspect of YOU… which has come forth in the planet.

Look for the opportunity to understand it… as you offer to your SELF… the concept of relating to all of the possibilities you carry as a being of light.

What you are transmitting… is what you receive.  You transmit compassionate attention… you receive compassionate attention.

Every time you look upon something that says, “pay attention to this”… you are giving it to your SELF as well.  Because you live within the divine hologram.

As the earth accesses more and more of the transformational frequencies… and the energy gets anchored in the physical plane in greater and greater amounts…

You will see… how the awareness that you hold within this illusion…
* mentally
* emotionally
* physically
* spiritually
… is requested by so many human beings that are yearning to understand the “NEW CONSCIOUSNESS.”
We know that sometimes it’s DIFFICULT to overcome thoughts… habits… and traits that you have accumulated over thousands of years.

This is a time of “NEW BEGINNINGS.”  It’s a time to release your old limited viewpoint… doubts… and any feeling of lack or self worth…

Because YOU ARE a master…Samuel 

Let this “NEW STATE OF AWARENESS”… this “NEW CONSCIOUSNESS” evolve and expand within you… so that you see YOUR perfected state of “HARMONY.”

Then you will GLOW with the beauty of SPIRIT.  Your words… your belief systems… your emotions… they all have “frequency.”

YOU decide what that frequency is going to be…

YOU decide how you are going to transmit your SELF. 

You can call it whatever you want… divine inspiration… creativity… revelation… channeling… telepathy… imagination… It does not make any difference.

YOU encompass ALL of the gifts of creation…within your divinity…  The way you will really recognize this is by allowing your SELF to really “feel” what is TRUE for YOU.

YOU have to LOVE your SELF first.  Your happiness is PRIMARY to the whole process.

Listen to YOUR heart.  Know that you are supported within your own awareness… as divinity… and love your SELF so much that you are able to give this compassionate attention… this message that you carry so easily.

This is a time of transformation for YOU.  (November 1st 2014 to the present)
The transformation completes itself by LETTING GO of the old habits that you have used in service to YOU for a very long time.  NOW there are NEW PLANES of existence that are available for YOU.

Within this “invitation”… is the invitation to MERGE the eye of the ego personality… willingly and freely… into the ONE.

This IS the greatest desire of your heart.  The complete answer to your next step… always lives right within your HEART…

… it is immediately within the reach of your grasp… and ALL you have to do is claim it.

Then you will realize that the truth of your deepest being wishes to show you… how you wish to be RIGHT NOW.

Trust your own inner guidance… it is a very quiet soft voice… so must listen well to hear it.

When you are “FEELING” your inner guidance… and you are following the lead of it… you know how INTEGRATED you “feel”.

More WHOLE than at any other time of your life.
If you go with this direction… the light that it sheds for you… leads you exactly to the next way of being… and the next way of being…

You are journeying with HOME… within you!  Take this understanding into the heights that it deserves to fly.

YOU are a true gift to this world.  Let your SELF soar on the wings of this awareness.  Let your SELF shine as the true bright star that you are.

Allowing ALL to bask in the sunshine that is YOU.  This creates a wave length that others can emulate!

They begin to shift… they complete their cycle of perfection for them SELVES… with the assistance of YOUR frequency.

Know that it is for this that you did choose your SELF… and it is for this that you did come to this earth.
One being… and angelic human… living as SOURCE in form… bringing your divinity and the awareness of it… to the WHOLE!

Somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond
Somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond any experience… 
Your eyes have their silence: in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me, or which I cannot touch because they are too near your slightest look easily will un-close me though I have closed myself as fingers, 

You open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens… touching skillfully, mysteriously… her first rose or 

If your wish be to close me, I and my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly, as when the heart of this flower imagines the snow carefully everywhere descending; nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals the power of your intense fragility: 

Whose texture compels me with the color of its countries, rendering death and forever with each breathing… 
I do not know what it is about you that closes and opens; 

Only something in me understands the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses.  

 Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands. 

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