Friday, November 14, 2014

Sometimes it's hard to see the light because it shows us what we do not want to see

Third Quarter Moon Phase: complete
Moon in Leo/Virgo
Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala (Goddess of Blossoming) with Shodashi
Skill: look deeply
Negative Imprint: jealousy, greed, not sharing, allowed to look but not touch, trickery, selfish, harming, valuing only financial profit
Positive Imprint: generosity, empowered, materialization of ideas and feelings, talent, true wealth, admiring the achievements of others, honoring situations and people, the bliss of contentment
The Third Quarter Moon phase opens today, and with it comes the close of a time of deep revelation. 

Did you get the message?

This time of deep revelation has been happening since September 23, 2014. 

Since then, we have been under energetics that are like a Full Moon - the maximum light by which we can see

When we see, we understand. 

We are illuminated.

If you have not been able to fully see something, over the next four days you are highly likely to do so. 

You will be able to integrate the insight, guidance, and direction that is being offered.

I should add that the insight or insights that we are able to recognize are not trivial. 

* They are, again, deep revelations. 
* They affect us at our core. 
* They affect the course of our lives. 

You could say it is our "core course" - our destiny.  

This has been the mission of the energy for the past two lunar months.

In addition, the basis, foundation, or core of many different types of things can undergo a metamorphosis, rebirth, or blossoming today. 

It's an alchemical kind of day when things can change from one way to another - a better way, a happier way. 

So if something is not going the way you would like, respond. 

Do something that changes the situation. 

This month's theme has been "to boldly go..." 

Have you been bold enough? 

You will feel in your heart if there is something left to do.

Today's energy spurs the emotions of jealousy and greed, so be aware that others may be responding to this kind of energetic. 

Take in what people are revealing about themselves. 

It may be a key piece of information needed for your deep revelation. 

If so, write it down and keep it prominent because you may need to rely on it to keep you on course.

Today is also a day for making a mark, marking an occasion, marking the day, marking an event, marking a turning point, etc. 

The Mahavidya Shodashi joins Kamala today in this effort because making marks is one of Shodashi's favorite things to do. 

The combined energies of the two goddesses enhances our ability to recognize and understand what we need to recognize and understand. 
Direct communication is best. 

Ask them to help you see if you are clouded.

Kamala's tendency to prompt desire prompts the desire for whatever feels like home to us today. 

This is a very strong motivator. 

Kamala's efforts always try to open us up and take us to an expanded level of experience. 

We are always better for opening up to experience. 

Wisdom is gained from experience. 

Keep in mind that the desire for this feeling is primal and may cause dramatic reactions today. 

Understand what is motivating people.

This year we have been gifted with not just one, but two lunar cycles with the fullest amount of light. 

Sometimes it's hard to see the light because it shows us what we do not want to see. 

But this is part of the adventure - part of what makes it interesting and worthwhile. 

Be bold today. 

Garner the last bits of full light by which to see.

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