Friday, June 27, 2014

The Six Heart Virtues

Just as we cannot talk of visual beauty if we are blind, so we cannot discuss inner spiritual beauty if we have never received it. ~Plotinus

The Six Heart Virtues

The energetic heart is composed of six primary forms of expression: Appreciation,
Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Understanding, and Valor, Braided together, these six behaviors constitute the essence of the energetic heart and, when expressed in our daily lives, enable it to perform its function as a portal to our inmost self or soul.



The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamission Neruda ~
By Sarah

Dr. Neruda: “I was directing the heart virtues outward to others, but I wasn’t turning them inward to myself.

It dawned on me that the inward was probably the most important place to start.

Sarah: “How did you do that?”

Dr. Neruda: “It takes great alertness to live and express in the now.

Human beings have the tendency to live in our past memories or future concerns.

This was what I was doing and it took me from the now.

And the now is where our life essence expresses.

It isn’t in the past or future, only the consciousness framework pivots between past and future, so if you find yourself in there, you know you are not in your essence.

“When I realized this, I read from the WingMakers philosophy that breath was the magnet of nowness.

It was the element that brought the human being into nowness by being aware of their breathing.

I also learned that there were different kinds of breathing that enabled this sense of nowness to penetrate more vividly into the hologram of deception.

“The point is that simply being aware of my breath helped, as the WingMakers put it, to center me in stillness.

This, by the way, doesn’t mean that you’re in a quiet room.

You can be in a meeting at work, and center yourself in stillness through your breath.
But by being in this internal centeredness I was in a better position to feel my own sense of expression, and that’s what was missing in my initial efforts to integrate this process.

I didn’t have a good starting point for my practice of the heart virtues, and I was directing them outward… to other people or events, and not myself first.

“Once I made that adjustment, it helped me to identify my essence and distinguish it from my mind system.

Life essence is authentic in oneness and equality and exclusively moves in nowness.

The consciousness framework pivots between the past, present and future and operates in separation.

If you express the heart virtues from the consciousness framework, especially outwardly, they won’t have the same potency or affect.”

Sarah: “You’ve mentioned the idea of resistive and insertive behaviors, and I think I understand the insertive behaviors in terms of expressing the heart virtues to one’s self and others, but talk a little bit about the resistive behaviors.

What are they, and how does that work?”

Dr. Neruda: “Again, you need to start from the point of distinguishing your life essence in the now.

Center yourself in nowness through being still and breath aware.

Initially this may take some time, but it happens quicker with practice.

Thought patterns that connect you to separation, need to be stopped. Behaviors, too.

“You can simply say, I’ve identified a behavior that supports separation in this world.

Let’s say I have believed that Muslims are less moral than atheists, and therefore less likely to get into heaven than someone who doesn’t even believe in god.

This is a belief or thought form that relates to separation.

I can say, stop that, but it’s not really effective for most people.

I can resist the belief every time it expresses itself in my life, but many of these beliefs are so subtle and subconscious that we don’t even realize how they express themselves in our behaviors and choices.

“If you apply the heart virtues to yourself, like forgive yourself for having these perceptions, have some compassion for yourself that everyone is infected with these separation beliefs from their subconscious and unconscious mind layers.

Be humble that making this resistive alteration is not just about you, but in a way, it’s about everyone, because we are one.

Appreciate the fact that you’re working on this for the good of all.

Have valor that you can stand up and resist these separation complexes that lurk in your programmed consciousness framework.

“You can see how I used the heart virtues to effectively deal with a belief or perception that separated me, not just from Muslims, though they were the target in this particular example, but when you draw separation lines around anyone, you’re operating from the consciousness system implant, and it only supports the hologram of deception.”

Sarah: “Okay, but you’re not suggesting that I look at rapists and murderers as one with me are you?”

Dr. Neruda: “Well that’s just it. They are.

You can’t have oneness and equality and then say, well, that’s true, except for this population of society or these felons of the human race.

There is no leper colony where humans are excluded outside of the circle.

The circle is all-inclusive, or it is in illusion. This is an absolute.

“Remember my statement about the hologram of deception is a prison?”

Sarah: “Yes…”

Dr. Neruda: “There is no other prison inside the prison.

We’re all in the prison. All of us are prisoners, even those who are in the Incunabula.

There is no one who stands inside the prison walls and truly knows oneness and equality.”

Sarah: “But then how does it change, if no one knows this?”

Dr. Neruda: “It’s a process… both for the individual and the human race.

We work on it, together. We resist behaviors of separation and insert behaviors of oneness and equality.

We disengage from the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, principles, people, organizations, currencies, food, clothing, fashion, toys, and everything else within the hierarchy whose roots are nourished by separation.”

Sarah: “When you put it that way, it sounds daunting, even impossible.”

Dr. Neruda: “It has to be done, and it has to be done by us.

The question is, if it has to be done, when does humanity want to do it?
*A hundred years?
*A thousand years?
*Ten thousand years?

The WingMakers are clear about this in their writings that if we wait until after human 3.0, when man and machine become integrated, it will only become more difficult.

Enslavement of life must end, at all levels.”

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