Thursday, August 15, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 343

The anxiety will heighten as the time for the unveiling approaches. 

We know many think that this will be like a scene from one of those Hollywood blockbusters… what we refer to resembles nothing of the sort. 

The human perception is a very limited… and when you are asked to picture something in your mind…

… you invariably come up with an image that resembles something you have seen before. 

In this case we can guarantee you that you have never ”seen” anything like it, and when we put it like this…

… it is to signify that what we refer to may not be something you will witness with your eyesight like you perhaps envisage yourself. 

This is not a piece on the nine o’clock news or to be splashed across the screens or in your newspapers…

… this is something of a magnitude and of a nature that has not been experienced by any of you before…

… hence the impossibility to even start to comprehend it beforehand. 

It IS big… and it will be an event of a sort that will reverberate far and wide…

… not only within the limits of your own physical body.

Yes we speak in riddles and we think you have started to get used to it… even if it may be perceived as irksome at times. 

As has been oft-repeated… there is no vocabulary for what we are hinting at here… at least not in the language you master in your daily life. 

There is a way to describe it… and it will be a way that can only be experienced individually by each of you. 

If we say it might resemble something you have felt already during one of your collective sessions… we may not be far off the mark.

This will be something very, very special. 

It could be liken a pot of flowers compared to a whole vast field of them. 

In other words you are all getting closer and closer to a ripple or perhaps we should say a rent in the very fabric of your consciousness.

Something that will tear asunder once and for all the bonds that keep you firmly stuck in whatever it is that still holds you back from attaining the freedom of being your own true self. 

An unveiling of sorts that will set so much into motion… not only within each and every one of you… also within the collective.

We cannot give you any specific details… for it will be a meaningless quest to try to put to words what we are trying to give you an advance warning of. 

Not warning as in ”danger”… just warning as in prepare to be overwhelmed in a way you have not been before. 

We know this will sound implausible to many of you… 

… and what you would prefer more than most is something far more tangible… 

… something you can hold up in front of your face… and other’s too and say ”see, I told you so, it IS true”. 

Fret not that day will come… and before it does… you will experience quite a few other things that will wash away that doubt from even the most skeptical parts of your human brain. 

Let us leave it at that for now, but before we leave, we invite you all to sit down in silence and open yourself up to this magical field of unearthly flowers that you are about to start to frolic upon. 

We think you will all get a small taste of the wonderful fragrances there already if you do.

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