Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Balsamic Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer/Leo Ruling Mahavidya: Bhairavi

Suggestion: Listen to the LAST 8 minutes

Happy New Moon!  A lunar month that fortifies our hearts begins today. 

A full description of this lunar month with a review of last month and a preview of next month is recorded in the audio file. 

Here are a few of the highlights:
  • The New Moon is conjunct the asteroid Vesta… Goddess of the Hearth/ Homefires; "Vestal Virgins"; our feelings of "home"… comfort, belonging, and safety are themes

  • Jupiter is in opposition to Pluto with Uranus in square… sudden and deep realizations that transform and vastly expand our perspective and experience of life

  • The Sabian symbol for the New Moon is "a pageant moving along a street packed with people." 
Spectacular and dramatic demonstrations of all types can be expected… demonstrations of joy and happiness, love, wonderment, brazenness, eccentricity and oddity, and most significantly courage and heroism

  • The heart is the main focus of the energy.
Our hearts will be strengthened and reinforced (fortified). 

Emotional and physical traumas to the heart are being healed… cauterized is a better word… there's an abundance of fire energy this month, even for a Leo cycle

  • The energy and effort of the Mahavidyas over the last month and throughout this month is building to the month of the Virgo New Moon which begins on September 5, 2013. 
 All efforts are aimed and reach culmination at the "Harvest Full Moon" of September 18/19, 2013.

  • Bhairavi - The Fierce One, The Goddess Who Fortifies Hearts, The Goddess Who Inspires Heroism - dominates this month but works once again with Dhumavati and Shodashi.

We are directed by the principles of the Sun, Moon, and Earth to state or set an intention or wish during the New Moon phase. 

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