Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sheldan Nidle update for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Dratzo! We return! During this holiday season we are preparing a series of final surprises for the dark which will mark the end of our waiting-period. 

Then our sacred allies’ many programs for manifesting your new reality can begin. Much has transpired over the past few months that can finally permit us to start the final moves toward new governance and a formal disclosure announcement. 

Here it is important to note that disclosure will allow us to address you directly for the very first time. Once we can speak directly with you, we intent to deal with various vital subjects’ right from the outset. 

Your world has been run for millennia by a group of ultra-wealthy and very powerful men and women whose sole concern was for themselves alone. It is now time for your interests to be fully represented and this we intend to secure! 

Your present economic and societal predicaments need to be looked after properly by those who are about to take the helms of your new governments and new financial institutions. 

You also must be informed about what has been happening over the last decade to prevent all this from manifesting as was originally planned.

As you know, the dark’s many members have controlled the world’s major governments for millennia. Each regime is given a catalog of set responses that they must adhere to in order to control any given situation. 

Moreover, each leader has a handler whose task is to ensure that ‘given’ government agendas are followed assiduously. In the main this has produced behavior that ensures the power of the dark’s minions; however, what is about to happen will short-circuit this self-perpetuating closed-loop.
The new governance will restore your rightful power which you unwittingly gave up at birth. These divine rights will be returned to you and we implore you to exercise them with rigor and joy! 

The new governance and financial system will end the turmoil of war and the anguish of want. Use these coming assets to further your consciousness training and to make sure that your local and regional governance is carrying out your wishes and being transparent in their dealings with you. 

It is vital that a strong bond be established between you which are based on openness, not on blind trust or the glamour of authority. These are your first steps in practicing the responsibilities inherent in galactic society.

Galactic society forges a bond between you and all the elements that make up this all-inclusive, wide-ranging society, and so you need to begin to see society as an organic, interactive whole of which you are a vital part. 

Its essence is unity consciousness, and in the interim before you become fully conscious, you can use your intuition to interact with these forerunner governments in bold and innovative ways. 

Very quickly you can begin to see what a powerful and creative impact you have on your society. However, we have one caveat for you: be lovingly aware of one another, and use your Love and generosity to guide your actions.
Learn how to flow with each other with new understanding. Our mentors will be on hand to advise you when necessary and to guide you in these very new ways, as you are likely to find so much newness somewhat confusing at first. 

Your mentors can take a look at your intentions and advise you on your most viable options. As you progress, you will find a host of questions popping up which will shape your understanding of your roles in this new, more conscious society.

Our purpose is to prepare you for full consciousness. 

Once you scale back the cycles of war, destruction, and hate, you can explore the myriad ways to implement cooperation and Love for the good of all. 

This is something of a ‘tall order’ because your societies are crammed with barrier upon barrier of every sort and description, many of which you take as inevitable, which they are not. 

You are being asked to launch forth and reverse just about everything you grew up with, in order to create a foundation for your galactic society. 

This truly is a massive education project and you can begin to comprehend the necessity for having mentors to guide you in the beginning. 

You will be learning through practice and we hope that the societal ‘rules’ we shall introduce to you will quickly be seen as optimally beneficial. 

This is a strange but exciting and challenging time for you because so much is expected of you. It is no easy matter to lay aside what you have learned from your parents and peers.
Your mentors will be lovingly at your side to help you ‘root’ a society that is to be very different from what you now know.

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