Friday, October 14, 2011

2012 - Exit from the matrix

2012 will feel like any other year for most people. There is no year or specific time that will define the era of transparency and expansion, the rise of the Sovereign Integral. It is happening quietly in the most unexpected places.

People are beginning to see that what has been encoded within their human instrument is a system of control, deception and manipulation. And at some deeper level, they glimpse a new clarity, as fleeting as it might be; they perceive themselves to be more than a system of feelings and thoughts packaged inside a body.

This is what is to come… people awakening from a virtual reality inside a virtual reality.

The real problem in this story is that the humans within the prison do not see the prison as a prison or the guards as guards. They are oblivious to their imprisonment. Thus, they are not trying to escape from the prison; rather, if they are seeking to escape from anything, it is from boredom, anxiety, poverty, pain, bad relationships, illness, depression, and hopelessness.

The suppression of their identity as a Sovereign Integral that lives in eternal and unconditional oneness, equality, and truthfulness is not even a consideration in their search.

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