Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Emotions Part 3

Accept the body's illness with gratitude
Once you have made the step of showing gratitude towards your body for the fine job it is doing in guiding you back towards love, your body will begin to release the blocked emotions, or stagnant ideas and beliefs that you have held onto.

The beliefs that that have acted as the catalyst for illness. As these emotions and beliefs are released, you can begin to experience them in a new way, thus gaining a deeper understanding of the fears controlling your life.

With this knowledge and experience, you can begin to understand that fear and love are choices that you can make.

Releasing emotional blocks
Most of us have learnt to suppress, ignore or misinterpret our emotions.

So, like children, our emotions find more compelling ways of getting our attention - frequently through the creation of stress, or in severe cases psychological or even physical dis-ease.

When you find yourself face to face with powerful emotions, such as anger, jealousy or fear, it takes courage to willingly experience them fully.

However, these emotions need acknowledgement. They need to be felt and acknowledged; for in order to go beyond them we must go through them.

Emotional Clearing
By fully experiencing and going beyond an emotional block - through the layers of doubt and fear - you experience the emotion of who you truly are . . . you experience your essential nature . . . your boundless eternal Self.

This as a place of ‘no-mind’. To experience the essence of your true self is a wonderfully healing experience.

Various techniques can be used to deepen the healing effect and strengthen the transformation, ensuring lasting change.

Emotional Clearing has been used around the world to help people let go of many debilitating and life threatening conditions such as tumors, cancers, clinical depression and chronic fatigue.

Emotional Clearing requires people to find the courage to embrace their emotional blocks; dissolving them before they impact on the body and adversely affect physical well-being.

Clearing Guilt
Consider the person for whom guilt was a recurring issue. This guilt manifested in many areas of his life and he felt that it limited his self expression and was causing a great deal of stress in his life.

Emotional Clearance uncovered many layers of emotion beneath his guilt. By allowing himself to experience these emotions fully he was able to get to the core issue and experience his true nature.

Awakening the truth of his nature enabled him to receive wisdom that unlocked the higher message of his emotions. Free of guilt he found that he was able to begin truly expressing himself in situations where previously it had seemed impossible.

So it seems that the emotions most of us expend a great deal of energy avoiding, are in fact gateways to the free expression of our boundless, eternal self.

If we are able to welcome our emotions without prejudice and look honestly at what lies behind them, we will find ourselves becoming deeply connected to that which is the very best in each and every one of us.

Your Feelings are your friends
Let your feelings guide you, for they are your friends. Any negative emotion about any subject whatsoever, indicates that you have a negative belief about it somewhere.

Through listening to your feelings, you can bring into consciousness the belief connected to the feeling.

Feelings and your intuition are your built-in guidance system. Feelings are the directional impulses of your soul. Your soul always wants you to go into the direction of greater joy.

There are only two true emotions that you can experience and feel - the emotions of love and fear. All other emotions are satellite emotions gravitating towards love or fear.

Love is expansive, it encourages you to be all that you can be, it empowers you, and it removes limitation. Love is not jealous, angry, or afraid. Love does not question. Love is accepting.

Fear, on the other hand, is limiting. It drains you of life force energy. Fear prevents you from moving forward.

Fear is limiting, blind and short sighted. Fear is death itself.

An exercise
The physical unit that is your body, responds to the energies that love and fear bring with them. The emotions of love and fear have a direct influence on your nervous and muscular system.

Hold any negative thought or belief in your consciousness for a few seconds, and notice what happens to your body.

Do you tense up, or do you feel expanded and more aware? What happens to your breathing? Do you breath in a deep and relaxed fashion, or are your breaths short and a little hurried?

These are simple exercises in bringing into consciousness those ideas and beliefs that are serving your growth, and those you would do better to transmute and release.

When you combine the focus of your intellectual mind with the impulses that are given you by your feelings, you cannot help but expand who you are.

Feelings are the directions of your soul, and you can use your intellectual mind as a tool to focus your thought on your direction.

If all your focused thoughts followed your inner feelings, your life would be abundant and joyful beyond all imagining.

Using Desire
It is not enough to simply think about having something that you want to bring into your life - you need to have a strong emotional desire for it.

Desire is feeling. If you find yourself changing your mind about what it is that you are wanting, you are not truly listening to your feelings.

You are on the planet to create. There is no other greater reason for you to be here. There are other things to learn on the way, such as the lesson of love, but in the end you are here to create, and creating with love is what you came to do.

That is the purpose of life. There is no hidden secret, no profound truth that will take you many lifetimes to unravel. If the purpose of life is to create, then it is your greater purpose to create that which you desire to create.

For you to successfully create the things you want in your life, you have to desire them. Desiring them is not the same a needing them. Need is based on the feeling of lack, and when you concentrate on lack, you repel the very thing you are seeking.

Whatever you focus on will expand and grow, be it abundance or lack.

The Law of Attraction will bring you whatever you concentrate upon. So if you concentrate on what you don't want, you will get more of the same.

The Universe cannot operate in any other way.

Challenging the emotion
Become aware of your fears, anger, and jealousy. Beneath every fear is pain.

It is easier to become angry with someone else, or yourself, or the world, than to feel this pain. Simply recognizing when you are angry is only half the story. You must go to the root of the emotion, which is a part of yourself that you do not know about, or a part of which you are too frightened or ashamed to acknowledge.

Learn to become aware of how your body feels when certain fears arise, and what thoughts fill your mind.

You will then be able to see it as an old acquaintance with whom you have a disagreement.

The disagreement being that you do not want to feel the way you are feeling, so you push it away. This is where challenging your emotion comes in.

Challenging an emotion – which is really challenging the part of yourself where the emotion originates, is not a declaration of war. It is a clear statement of your intention.

For example, you may affirm, “I challenge this emotion. I no longer want it in my energy system,” .

Challenging an emotion is the decision to utilize your free will to change an aspect of yourself you no longer want in your life.

No matter how you do it, challenging the part of yourself that you want to change is at the heart of spiritual growth.

You cannot be a spiritually evolved person and an emotionally unevolved person at the same time.

The first time you challenge your anger, fear, or jealously, it will not disappear. You must challenge it again and again and again.

Eventually, it will lose its power over you, and you will regain your power. You must challenge the parts of yourself that you want to change using your free will.

Growing older does not automatically mean growing kinder or wiser. Millions of people die angry, frightened, envious etc, etc.. Unless you heal the parts of yourself that are causing you pain, they will not change. This is because no one can change them but you.

Transmutation- Turning Fear into Love . . . The Alchemy of the Soul

1. Take responsibility
Become aware of the fact that you created the situation you find yourself in. Nobody else. Be aware that the situation and the accompanying pain are your creations.

Understand the feeling and you transmute the pain through accepting responsibility. In this fashion you are not striving for the change outside, but change through the acceptance and acknowledgment inside.

2. Align the Judgment
When everything is acknowledged without judgment - aligned - then you are in the knowledge of the greater self.

Understand the role each person has played and bless them all for their part in creating the situation - a situation purposely created in order to find the pearl of wisdom within.

You can identify the purpose for which spirit has created a situation by being aware of the feeling, the emotion it engenders. Working backwards from recognizing the feeling, we get a picture of the thoughts that accompanied the feeling.

The thoughts, the internal dialogue, will pinpoint the addictive program - the attitude, the belief that you need to understand and embrace and then let go. The lesson has been learned.

3. Feel the feeling and surrender
Admit the feelings are a part of yourself at the ego level. Then, as far as possible, communicate those feelings verbally in whatever way you choose. (Expressing your feelings is better than creating a thought-form out of all proportion to the event transpired).

Accept the lesson in the situation and surrender. It is easier to let go when you understand the people involved with you have been part of the co-creation for their own reasons, their own lessons.

When you surrender, the feeling, masked by the resistance of pain, is suddenly revealed as a neutral energy which is then allowed to move from the solar plexus (emotional body) to the heart (astral body - neutral zone) then to the crown for re-disbursement into the universe.

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