For many of us, one of the prime driving forces behind travelling the Ascension pathway has been the feeling that eventually it would lead us home. Home for some, feels as if it is somewhere out there in the galaxy.
We might look up at the night sky and sigh with a strong feeling of remembrance. Is it Orion, Sirius, the Pleiades, Arcturus or somewhere else that calls? Some of us feel that Home lies completely beyond the physical realms in some ethereal and misty spiritual environment, and some of course, feel strongly that they belong here on Earth.
But for those who feel that they are on a journey back home, I have news for you because we are not returning to our place of origin as we might have first thought, but instead moving forward to create a different universe.
This has always been the goal, even if we temporarily forgot it. We were originally sent (we actually volunteered) to create a brand new universe and that is what we did.
The problem was that in the process of leaving Home we forgot who we were and where we came from, so instead of creating the peace and love and harmony of home, we fought amongst ourselves and ended up creating what we see around us today.
Not all of our creations have been terrible of course, for we have always been capable of creating great beauty, but this last spurt (called Ascension) has been our latest drive towards achieving the goal we always meant to achieve, i.e., creating something new but in the image of home.
We have been slowly getting to this understanding by experiencing physical life thousands and thousands of times. Some of these lifetimes we have spent on various star systems, which is why we so often feel connected to them.
And we have tried many times but consistently failed to break away from the chaos and destruction we were creating. But failure isn't bad, it is just a learning process. And now that we have finally succeeded in lifting ourselves high enough above the chaos where we can have an open and unattached view, we can more clearly see what we must now do.
The old world that we know so well is in it's final days - it will not last long. A few more years and it will be gone forever for those of us who are moving ever forward. So it is time to think about what we wish to create in our new universal home because it is up to us to make it.
This "something new in the image of home" is not just created by those of us who are in mortal bodies for we are only a part of a huge universal team, and are certainly not doing it all on our own.
However, having had the specific honor of raising the energy vibrations so that the remembrance of the goal and the beauty of that goal could be fulfilled, we are now being prodded to focus our thoughts on harmony, peace and beauty.
Some of us may feel that we have not so far, been of any assistance at all in getting to this stage, but with every old attachment that each of us has released and with every old thought that each has replaced with a more enlightened one, we have gradually together, opened the doorway for change. So what do we do now?
At this point, it is most important that we try and remain emotionally balanced because we are in the unstable cross-over period between the old reality and the new one.
Shifting dimensional realities is not as simple as just saying one, two, three, go! Because those of us who are on our way to this new world are at many different levels of awareness, and in order to make the transition comfortable we have to do it relatively slowly.
I say slowly, but really it is not all that slow any more - we have only a year, or two at most, to complete the crossing.
Therefore, on an individual level we may still have a few more challenges to confront before we are completely free of past encumbrances, but the energies surrounding us totally support these moves if we desire within our heart that this be so.
Distancing ourselves mentally and emotionally from the chaos in play is all important, although extremely difficult for those who are personally caught up in its vortex.
But love and harmony are thoughts and feelings that can be applied in any situation, always remember that. And if you are called upon to be in dramatic situations also remember that it is because you have the strength and the purpose to be there.
Whatever the situation you experience in the coming months be conscious that this is the time for the final "letting go" and that we will be of greatest overall support if we graciously allow what is necessary to occur and not try to intervene. And so, to remain detached is our current aim.
And by keeping a mental distance from the drama will allow us to focus on joy and beauty and begin to think about what we want to create in our new world.
Imagine if we really had a magic wand (and we do!) and could zap up any thing we wanted...what would that be? Think about it on a personal level. Get out a piece of paper and write it down. What would your world look like if you could create it from scratch?
Would you want to be ruled by a government or be self-ruling? Would you want to work for a living or be free to spend your time doing what you love? Would people get ill and die or be permanently healthy and happy?
Would you want competition and market-forces to continue to rule or would you rather that everyone was able to benefit equally? Would you want to struggle to eke out a living or be completely free of survival worries?
Always remember that what you think is what you create, so be ever conscious of what those thoughts are.
In this new creation we have the opportunity to CREATE CONSCIOUSLY IN THE IMAGE OF HOME which is with the LIGHT and thus without fear, or lack of self-esteem to erode our magic.
So let's focus on what is good and wonderful and life-enhancing instead of focusing on what is sad or destructive or mean spirited. If ever there was a time to change our thoughts it is now - for it is time for us to help create what we were always meant to.
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