Monday, March 2, 2015

I thank You God for most this amazing day

I thank You God for most this amazing day
For the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;
And for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
I who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday;
This is the birth
day of life and love and wings:
And of the gay
great happening illimitably earth
How should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any - lifted from the NO

… of all nothing-human merely being
doubt unimaginable 
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
An expert is a person who has learned a lot about a specific game, 
and is familiar with the rules. 
A master is someone who knows all the rules and presuppositions 
and recognizes them for what they are… 
which makes the whole game optimal.
As the games continue to fall away, 
lightness replaces them along with the ability to create my own games, 
ones I wanted to play 
instead of ones that I had to play.
Through examining my life, 
and being willing to quit anything, 
I discovered more of what I didn’t know I had lost.
Any game is worth quitting. 
If you perceive a game as a game 
and can quite it… 
then you don’t have to.
Ecology is the science of how games fit together, 
both within the persona 
and between people.
Rules are a bit like fertilizer… 
they are a waste product that can be used to encourage 
new growth as they decompose. 
Rules are useful, 
and never more useful 
that once they are discarded. 
Elimination is the essential part of human existence, 
and quitting is mental elimination.
Perhaps I have picked on optional games enough, 
perhaps not. 
Every time you play an optional game, 
you argue for the reality of that game. 
The purpose of all optional games 
is accounting. 
To figure out where you stand, 
and to make yourself “important” and “right.” 
Obviously the most relevant 
an optional game can make you, 
if you remember it is a game, 
is optional. 
To be more important, 
you have to forget that it is optional, 
and further, 
forget it is a game at all. 
There is no value of importance 
in a game.
There are some games that 
work much better than others.  
Excerpts: How to Win by Quitting ~ Jerry Stocking 

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