Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream
Moon in Capricorn
Ruling Wisdom Goddess: Kali
Skill: allow barriers that are coming down to gently fall
Negative Imprint: narrow-minded, too conservative,
emptiness, wasting time, feelings of failure, disillusioned, predictable,
exclusive, glorifying violence, living in the past
Positive Imprint: straightening out details,
spontaneity, getting on track, courage, history, recognizing that perceived
failures are teachers, freedom, unity
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "an Indian
chief claims power from the assembled tribe"

Today is the last day of the lunar
cycle that was designed to help us claim more of ourselves, more of our power,
and more of our heart's desires.
Much internal work has been done
this month, and much wisdom has been gained.
Today, all of the effort, energy,
and resources that we have devoted to reach this point serves to break down
barriers between people, places, and things.
The underlying drive is to unite people,
places, and things.
This is a strong motivator today
and a strong support for any endeavors that are intended to uplift the
collective of humanity.
Energy to break down barriers
within relationships is also winding its way through things.
But there is a special element that
addresses our relationship with our self.
The energy wants us to break
through illusions that we have about ourselves.
This is especially true regarding
our outlook on life.
The energy wants us to switch from
focusing on what's impossible to what is possible.
The way things are now is not
the way they will remain.
The "year of
change" continues until April 17, 2015, so there is much more to come.
Don't put a final judgment on
Don't succumb to gloom.
Radical transformation is still
During Balsamic Moon phases we are
preparing the field of consciousness, weeding it of negativity and
anything that would choke out the seeds of love that we plant
with the New Moon.
The powers of imagination and
visualization are most potent during the Balsamic Moon, so we can fertilize the
future with our outlook or we can deplete it before it begins.
Watch your mind and don't be taken
off course by the signature of energy that tries to trick us into seeing only
disappointment and disillusionment.
Infuse good things into the field
of your consciousness because good things are trying to crop up next
month, which begins tomorrow.
Be aware that there is also a
strong "behind the scenes" component to today's energy.
At the lowest octave, this comes in
the form of back-door dealings.
The highest octave involves us
giving and receiving the help we need.
In particular, assistance from
trusted, knowledgeable friends with certain expertise or aptitude in a certain
area helps things become better than they are.
Big projects and intentions are
most affected by this.
Behind the scenes in the sky,
Mercury is preparing to move retrograde on Wednesday.
Mercury is pretty much stationary
right now, holding tight at the degree of "a watchdog standing guard,
protecting his master and his possessions."
This energetic heightens our
vigilance to our surroundings.
It also offers a beacon, a lantern,
a guide.
I will go a step beyond this and
say that, ultimately, Mercury is going to be our muse for the next few weeks
while he is retrograde.
Maybe he always has been our muse
while he moves retrograde, but we fail to see it as such at the
Perhaps Mercury retrograde is not
mayhem at all but a process of a muse?
It might be amusing
to test this idea and review it when Mercury stations direct.
As we break down anything that
diminishes the richness of the soil in the field of our personal and collective
consciousness today, let's offer appreciation to spiritual forces greater
than ourselves that have guided us all month long.
I view this as appreciation for the
force of Kali in particular this month, but it is all Oneness and the sentiment
is the same regardless of how it is packaged.
It is good to recognize our place
in the assembled tribe of creation, but better to recognize that the creation
is much bigger than us.
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