Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Flares often have dramatic effects on the body

UPDATE TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2014 - 12:20 pm ET/ 6:20 pm UT

The Sun released two x-flares today - X2.2 at 7:42 am ET/ 11:42 am UT and an X1.5 at 8:52 am ET/ 12:52 pm UT. 

We look at the degree of the Sun and the degree of the Moon to understand the nature of the flares' energies.  

The Sabian symbol for the degree of the Sun today is "a cafeteria with an abundance of choices." 

At the time of the first flare, the Moon was at 14 Scorpio, exactly opposite Venus, but more interestingly, on November 5, 2013, when the Sun was at 14 Scorpio, a powerful X-3 flare was released. 

Mercury was retrograde at that time as well. 

14 Scorpio is "telephone linemen at work installing new connections." 

14 Scorpio always brings intensity, but it rectifies difficulties with communications - the main culprit to all of the troubles that have happened over the last few days. 

The second flare occurred when the Moon had moved to 15 Scorpio, "children playing around five mounds of sand." 

This energy takes who we are and makes us better. 

It unlocks latent talent. 

So, from this gift from the Sun (the divine being Sabaoth according to Gnostic texts), the ultimate energy (X-flares) for adding many more possibilities, options, and alternatives to the field is delivered.  

It also will heal some of the emotional volatility that is in effect from so many other astrological aspects.  

Flares often have dramatic effects on the body, so if you are feeling the intensity in your body, take care of yourself. 

This is a massive solar event that will tend to bring out lunacy and make things even crazier, but ultimately it has a greater design and intention. 

Slow down and let things flow.  .
It's a big upgrade to our energetic fields.

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