Friday, December 6, 2013

LOVE is the Experiment

The RELATIONSHIP is the laboratory...

... men are exploring a new paradigm of loving women!

Love has moved to the top of our human agenda of spiritualism!

How we love, relate and communicate significantly impacts our evolution as spiritual beings.

A relationship is a living organism!

It has an intelligent and intuitive Soul
      ·         an amalgamation of Soul energy from each mate that constitutes a matrix of Soul Synergy…
      ·         an environmental force that is far greater and more powerful than either Soul.

A relationship is serious because it encompasses our spiritual life force.

It is our Spirit that dictates our reality not our body.

And our spirit is in the care of our relationship when we join spirits.

Every thought you think… every word you speak… every emotion you feel… and every action you express the Soul of your relationship feeds its spiritual reality off of such energies.

Your relationship is so powerful it can heal and it can harm.

It is shocking to learn that relationships can become so toxic of negativity that such harmful vibrations can cause cellular deterioration, the veracious description for cancer.

And to the contrary… relationships can be so abundantly in love that the brain goes haywire secreting love hormones… serotonin, endorphin, and dopamine… that raise the human frequency to astounding levels of vibratory healing.

All this wonderful experimenting “Loving” going on in our Laboratory “Relationship” is supposed to discover greater expressions of Love as relating and communicating evolves to greater realms of purpose, reason and meaning!

I am a staunch male feminist and father of male feminism!

I am dedicated to helping men understand what the collapse of patriarchy has done to their masculinity, manhood and male reality.

Male karma and the devastating consequences from millenniums of aggression, suppression, subjugation, domination, etc., toward women is a burden upon the shoulders of today’s men.

Loving women divinely… unconditionally… and successfully is the only means of paying our karmic debt.

After reading this post I felt as though Samuel had been sitting in on my male feminism lectures, and went back to his Laboratory “Relationship” and started a new Experiment “Love” working out all the kinks and initiating a profound healing campaign of dissolving old wounds in his relationship.

Evidently what Samuel & Hannah have been experimenting and experiencing in their Laboratory has proven to be profound and pre-potent!

It stirs my emotions as a male feminist to know a man cares about his relationship to the extent of taking charge of himself with enough self-discipline to guide his partner into a new reality of Love & Happiness!

If you want to brag about human achievements such as flying to and from the Moon, creating a computer or cloning a life form, none can compare to the complicated arena of human relationships when two people discover a way to fall in love all over again!

Holy Cow!

Congratulation to Samuel & Hannah for demonstrating the power of Love!

And I hope the “Zink Experience” becomes a Role Model for others to find a way to Fall Madly in Love all over again!

THE OMEGA MAN Trialfa Omega

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