Friday, May 2, 2014

The Hawkeen are masters of belief

     They collect beliefs and trade them, sell them or give them away.  

They invent them and bargain for them or steal them. 
Hawkeen will believe anything you want them to. 
They will believe everything and its opposite also. 
They know that beliefs are what make your head work, that a belief is what it does. 
Another belief of theirs.
The Hawkeen have a belief that the more beliefs one has, the more choices one has. 
Most people want fewer beliefs, they want their list to be short and correct so they can commit it to memory. 
Religions seem to be that way. 
But the Hawkeen are different and some say just plain stubborn. 
They can believe anything to the point where it’s the same as believing nothing at all. 
I suppose fundamentally they believe that there is nothing not to believe, if that makes any sense.
When you ask about Hawkeen belief you’re stepping into quicksand. 
Beliefs are valued as to their usefulness in any particular situation, and situations change. 
They figured out a long time ago that much of the conflict in oneself or between people or nations has to do with colliding beliefs. 
So they decided to save themselves a lot of grief and believe everything. 
It’s like bubbles. 
All the small bubbles of belief crowd against one another… join and rejoin until there is just one giant bubble.  
Then some Hawkeen take delight in popping it. 
No bubble, no boundary!
People have a terrible desire to be right. 
Many people will sacrifice their own happiness and that of those around them. 
They will sacrifice their lives and everything dear to them to be right.
Being wrong seems to create an unbearable tension. 
Many people’s opinions of themselves and the world are more important to them than the result the opinions bring. 
Being wrong hints of losing one’s bearings… losing one’s mind and going mad, or worse. 
It’s a natural fear, this being wrong and a great one, often greater than the fear of death, because many people will die before they will be wrong. 
But it’s interesting to contemplate being wrong. 
What if you were wrong about yourself in major ways that would benefit you! 
Sometimes great problems can be solved easily by being wrong. 
Often it’s a very simple choice… would you rather be right or happy?

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