Monday, May 13, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 309

You have gotten used to the idea of reading words given to you through an intermediary.

However from now on we also want to urge you all to try to communicate directly with us.

And when we say ”us” we refer of course to the collective known as “The constant companions”.

This is of course just to make it easier for you to open up to all of this, for if we had asked you to just pick out a name of an entity you wanted to communicate with, it might have left you stymied.

So that is also the reason we have chosen to appear in the form of a faceless and nameless collective.

You see you all have the ability to connect with ”the other side” and until now it is one that has been reserved for a small number of people.

And the reason for that is easy to explain.

Mankind have been on a long journey to reach the point they are at today, and now finally you have made yourself ready to truly step into your true roles as citizens not just of this planet but of all of Creation.

And this journey has been one fraught with many perils and disturbances and information has been controlled.

We know that this is not news to any of you, for you know full well that here has been a lot of manipulation going on behind the scenes and this road that mankind have travelled down is not the road that mankind set out on from the beginning.

But now much has been rectified and as you know your own personal journey has been a vital part of this restructuring of your planet.

For without the clearing and enligthening process you have taken upon yourself nothing much would have changed.

Your journey here… in your home away from home would have been forced to continue your journey towards and over the precipice to certain destruction.

As recent events have shown enough of your brethren have chosen to do the same about-face as you… and for these last few months the amount of light being poured into your world through your physical vessels has grown.

It has washed away almost all traces of the manipulating denseness that used to surround you on all sides.

We will not go into further details about this however we just bring it up to explain some of the reasons why you have been forced to go through an intermediary whenever you wanted to listen to the words coming from the light.

Now many of those detrimental forces have been neutralized or removed and your own abilities to connect will be greatly enhanced.

You see and open channel is an open channel and earlier it was much too tempting… to those not so keen on enlarging the light quotient… to use that open channel to further their own ideas.

In other words many attempts at manipulation in the form of disinformation and willful embedding of low frequencies have been carried out and some of them were successful and others where aborted.

It was enough to keep us all busy to try to minimize any leakage of dark matter into the channels of the light.

And believe us it was at times a very hectic atmosphere on both sides of the veil.

The whole playing field has been changed and your own level of vibration has been raised by your willingness to tap into and be connected to this web of light you become a part of.

The stakes are very, very different from what they were only a short time ago, and we urge you to start to listen more closely to the signals you will be getting in the time ahead.

You too have your own “Constant Companions”, and they do come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

Remember you are no longer a solitary being travelling solo on this journey.

In fact you have never been a solitary traveler… now the time for you to start to connect even closer with your mates has come.

Some of them you have met already maybe even in a physical form while others are more unknown to you.

Your own group will have changed considerably throughout your journey as they are all carefully chosen to match your vibrational field at all times.

So yes they are your constant companions and they are also constantly changing while some of the components of your group remain constant.

We gather that this will not be news to everyone… some of you had the ability to connect with entities on the other side… for others this will be new territory.

It may feel a little bit daunting at first for how do you know who it is you are ”talking” to?

Is it just yourself?

Well maybe it is because you yourself are comprised of several levels of awareness, and the one you ”live and breathe” in every day is just a part of this whole.

As you become ONE you also become ONE with yourself, or maybe we should say ”yourselves” and therein lies the first step towards acknowledging the messages you will be getting.

For many times it is indeed YOU speaking to YOU, but it is a higher level of consciousness within you that is speaking to the human part of you.

In addition, you will also start to get signals from other entities so there is indeed so much to discover.

We know that this will seem to be daunting and downright frightening to many of you.

For what if someone that comes knocking on your door will be of the not so benign kind?

Well let us first of all say that the chances for that are NOT very high as it is a question of awareness and intent.

For you always check the credentials of anyone that wants to enter your home don’t you?

In other words you will use your discernment as you do in everything else, and if there is something that simply feels wrong, just say no and refuse to give them entry.

It is as easy as that… no one can ”enter” without your consent.

The light you carry within is so strong… it will act as the best of shields in any circumstances.

Stay centered and stay alert and feel into whatever is approaching.

Even the most benign of energies can be a little bit overwhelming at first… just ask for them to take it slow to let you get used to the energy.

This is first and foremost a question of energy… every new encounter will feel like that… new in some way because you will come into contact with a form of energy that will feel a little bit alien to you.

Do what feels right… and do not try to force yourself to do anything.

Remember the doors are not locked any more and you are also free to enter these halls of ”free speech” but do so at a pace that feels comfortable to you.

Pick your ”companions” to connect with as you feel guided.

Know that you have literally a whole host to choose from… and they are all eager to say hello.

And if you feel totally closed up… and everything seems silent… merely know that you are not alone.

You have just chosen to take your time and wait a little bit before you take this first tentative step… and that is OK too.

Each and every one of you will have your own experience.

Some of this energy will come to you in the form of words… through your fingers or through your ears.

Others may have a heightened awareness of shapes and images… while others will start to sense unexpected smells in unexpected places… like the smell of roses when there are no roses present.

Things like that big and small are all signs of someone trying to say ”hello”… so do not think you have to follow in the footsteps of this blog in order to be able to communicate with your constant companions.

We will be back with more on the same subject later.  Until then we invite you to start to listen well as not to miss any ”hellos” coming your way.

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