Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I call attention to all my light workers,
At first my words may sound like heracy,

But when this cycle is all done you may begin to see,
That the words I am sharing may show hints of prophecy.

Yet I am no prophet,
Just tuned in.
So I'm just going to let the words flow,
I AM THAT I AM ... Lets begin.

There's still a glitch in our light matrix,
Because the shadows like to play tricks,
Providing information that makes us seem aligned,
Yet we haven't come fully present with our minds eye.

When you connect heart to brain,
You will elevate a dimensional plane
You will embody your existence, I am that I am
What’s the resistance?

Well there are codes of light that have been hacked,
Many of these stories and 'characters' have been attacked,
Not many know for certain when they'll be back,
Maybe it’s time to align get to know your facts.

Your facts, meaning your truth,
Understand the being and soul inside of you.
If you have a higher calling, embody that truth,
But now is the time to wake up to the being inside of you.

Don't let the matrix play tricks on you, 'downloading' your higher self as separate.
Because that's what they like to do, plus now they are getting desperate.
Existence after existence, through and through
Time to become I AM Present, the energy's are available to you.

Who are you embodying? Each and every day...
Are you judging? Fearing? What other people say?

For just be aware of your words, and energy
Where inside of you, are you still your own worst enemy?

It's because the systems been hacked,
'Downloads' vulnerable to attack,
Until you are I AM Present you must be cautious,
Watch your back.

For a dark spell has been cast,
For thousands and thousands of years.
History veiled in secrecy of how we got here.
Our history of love desecrated by fear.

If you are still praising the Gods of Egypt,
Then maybe it's time to become clear.
For the download has been that we all came from that magical land,
Yet this rabbit hole runs so deep it’s hard to understand.

It's hard to understand if your only getting downloads
Rather than blossom into I AM Presence and let it internally unfold
Through the eyes of remembrance,
Staying always in the present tense,

Waking up to see that we live in a matrix.
And realizing you get downloads from the matrix,
Which allows them to play tricks.
And keep you thinking your higher self is separate.

Crystalline body comes after you embody your I am Presence.
You all remember this.
Yet there has been so much ethereal disinformation,
Because everyone's mind's been erased, and replaced,
with the wrong time and space.

Some of the names are right
But the stories are all wrong.
That's what happens when cycles take this long.
Know your truth from within, unleash your hearts song.

Please do not take my word for it,
Because simply I am that I am, and I will be here until the very end.
Ushering in the Golden Age is my mission,
Find wholeness of your I AM by going deep within.

So you can close your eyes and pretend,
That this isn't happening, but in the end,
We will take off our disguise of this 3D existence,
We will activate 5D Light Body, stay focused and persistent.

For the matrix will do what it needs to do,
They do not care about women, children, me or you.
This is true, but not meant to instill fear,
It’s a word of caution so that our lightworkers can become clear.

Not clouded, not separate, Not jaded, No victim
Take responsibility and listen.
Who are you? At the very core?
Its time to go deep within and explore.

Don't feed into the programming’s
And be aware from where your 'downloads' are coming.
For if you embody your higher self
Then your intuition will come from within nowhere else.

Death to the Download
For the Matrix tell lies,
Its time awaken from behind the snake eyes
Look inside, find who you are, rememberize.

Lift your veil
Stop thinking you are separate
Stop listening from outside yourself
Embody LOVE, BE your Divine Expression

You are who you are
Now embody your truth
I am that I am
I see you I love you thank you.


Its time we all begin Live streaming from our source, our I AM Presence and stop believing that our 'downloads' are coming from an aspect of us that is separate.

Also realize that if you are receiving 'downloads' and not fully present then it is good to know where that information is coming from.

Is it truly coming from your core?
Or are you still letting energies whisper in your ear that may not be in full alignment?

For if we are not aware of all the energies that speak to us then we can be led astray.

Yet if you truly embody your truth, you will be aware of every word coming out of your mouth and that it is you speaking it.

You don't need to receive information from the 'Pleadian Council' or 'Galactic Federation of Light' or anything outside yourself.

You just need to believe in your being and soul, find alignment and embody who you are.

Now can reading things help you along your path, of course they can... but know that your highest truth is within you.

And in reality we don't need any books, or writings to tell us who we are.

And when we quiet our mind we can find our true voice and always use it backed by our being and soul, and the power of LOVE, which is infinite, and will always do the right thing.

Yesai Yesai Yesai Yesai to the most high Yesai - I AM THAT I AM

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