Our Dear Ascending Ones,
We the Arcturians realize that many
of you are having difficulty with your third-dimensional memory.
We realize that the constant stress
of an ever-changing world can interfere with your memory, but you have all had
more stress in the past without your present loss of short-term memory.
Likely you have realized that you
usually forget 3D details about times or dates.
is Multidimensional Thinking?
It may appear to many of you, the
ascending ones, that there is an ever-increasing amount of information about
your mundane life that seems unavailable to your daily thinking.
You are experiencing this challenge
because you are in the process of uploading all your third and fourth
dimensional thinking into your multidimensional
“What is multidimensional thinking?”
you ask.
Multidimensional thinking is the
ability to be aware of more than one version of your Multidimensional SELF
while you are in the process of your daily, physical life.
You are already accustomed to
multi-tasking in your 3D life.
For example, you can be sitting at
your desk while you pay your bills, think about what you want to buy at the
grocery store, remember that your child needs to complete a certain assignment
at a certain time, your lawn needs to be watered and, oh yes, you forgot to
call your friend.
All of these different thoughts flow
in and out of your mind so quickly that they seem almost to be one thought.
With multidimensional thinking, your
thoughts are not limited to just your
physical life.
You may be taking a walk, thinking
about the dream you had last night and observing the clouds in the sky
wondering if one of them is disguising a starship.
Your mind then remembers the “dream”
in which you are in a huge room with many unfamiliar people listening to
unusual beings talking.
Then a nearby car screeches on its
brakes, and you jump back into your physical reality.
Because you are accustomed to
screeching brakes as a warning, you return to your physical perceptions and
totally forget the brief moment of your multidimensional memories.
Physical warning sounds are very
Even when children are too quiet you know you must check on
Hence, whenever you get a warning
sound, or warning quiet, your attention leaves your multidimensional thinking
so that you can focus on your physical world.
That moment of multidimensional
thinking is often forgotten because some level of fear has entered your
Once your consciousness drops back
into “only the physical world,” your brief encounter with multidimensional
thinking is lost.
Fortunately, once you include a
possible message from your Higher Self, something that occurred in your morning
… or your longing to remember
something that you can’t quite put your finger on, you gradually accelerate
your brain into the higher brainwaves of your multidimensional thinking.
In this manner, you are moving into
and out of multidimensional thinking.
When you are calm and peaceful, your
consciousness expands into higher brainwaves.
Then your multidimensional thinking
becomes engaged, and you begin to ponder your higher worlds.
Suddenly, a third dimensional
warning enters your thinking, such as looking at the clock to realize that you
need to attend to some physical activity, and your consciousness drops back to
the lower brainwaves of your 3D life.
Multidimensional Thinking Normal
A major component of returning to
your full multidimensional awareness is to make your multidimensional thinking
as “normal” as your 3D thinking.
For example, if you routinely survey
the skies for a spaceship, write down your dreams when you wake up and/or
listen for the inner guidance of your higher dimensional SELF, multidimensional
thinking becomes as common as your third dimensional thinking.
Just as your ear is tuned to hear
your children calling, your boss’s request, or the sound of birds, your ear
attunes to what you have determined as “important messages” from the higher
Unfortunately, your third
dimensional brain and consciousness has a limitation as to how much information
can be consciously recognized.
While you are attending to your
third dimensional responsibilities, you are calibrated to receive physical
information first and then store your higher dimensional thinking for a later time.
Interestingly, it is only when you leave time that your consciousness
expands into your fifth dimensional consciousness.
Once your consciousness expands to
that frequency, you can “read the files” that you have stored in your invisible
“multidimensional mind.”
Just as you can only read your
Internet when you are “online” with your computer, you can only “read” your
multidimensional mind when you are “online” with your multidimensional
Once you are logged into your
Multidimensional SELF you can you recall what your inner voice has told you.
You may also remember the waves of almost invisible light that quickly
passed by the corner of your eye, or the important dream that was actually an alternate
If you read the newspaper every
morning, you calibrate your perceptions and thinking to the 3D.
On the other hand if you meditate
every morning, write down your dreams or imagine that your Higher SELF is near
you, you calibrate your thinking and perceptions to the fourth dimension and
Of course, you do not need to read
the paper every day to keep up on the news, nor do you need to meditate every
day to keep up with your SELF.
But, the habits that you establish
in your life determine what is “normal” and what is “unique.”
Thus, if you think only of what is
occurring in your physical life, it is abnormal to think about your inner self.
On the other hand, once you begin to
attend to your inner feelings, fleeting perceptions and inner messages from
your multidimensional world, the higher dimensions become normal.
In other words, “normal” is whatever
you carry in your mind on a regular basis.
And, what you think about, you bring about.
Thus, if you only think about what
you read in the newspaper, the chores you have for the day, what bills must be
paid and what your family or work needs you to do, you have limited your self
to only third dimensional thinking.
Because you are wearing an earth
vessel and live in a third dimensional reality, third dimensional thinking is
On the other hand, when you also
ponder your fourth dimensional dreams and creative ventures, listen for your
inner guidance and remember to connect with your higher expressions of SELF
while you go about your mundane life, you are thinking multidimensionally.
of Consciousness
Multidimensional thinking in not
limited to hearing or reading words, as it is a form of “light language.”
Light language is relayed and
understood via emotions, imagination, tactile sensations, sounds and colors
that suddenly enter your consciousness.
By attending to these “light
messages,” you expand your third dimensional thinking into multidimensional
It is important to realize that:
*Your conscious thinking dictates
your state of consciousness.
*Your state of consciousness dictates
your conscious perception.
*The perceptions to which you
consciously attend dictate your vision of life.
In the same manner, your emotions
affect your state of consciousness.
*If you feel in a “bad mood” you see
what is wrong with your life and your
consciousness lowers to third dimensional thinking.
*When you feel in a “good mood”, you
see what is right with your life and
your consciousness expands into multidimensional thinking.
A bad mood is usually because fear has invaded your thinking.
Because of this lower frequency of
thinking, you primarily attend to the “I
should” and “I have to” areas of
your third dimensional life.
A good mood is usually because your consciousness has been able to
focus on love, especially unconditional love.
Then your thinking becomes
calibrated to a higher state of consciousness in which you can remember to
attend to your innate connection with your Multidimensional SELF.
Your brainwaves determine your state of consciousness.
Your state of consciousness
determines your thinking.
Your thinking determines the
frequency of your perceptions.
Your Multidimensional SELF is in
constant connection with all of your brainwaves, states of consciousness,
within the NOW of the ONE.
However, your physical self can
become limited to only one state of consciousness at a “time.”
*Your beta brainwaves are
aligned with the perceptions of your third dimensional state of consciousness,
thinking and perceptions.
*Your alpha brainwaves are
aligned with your fourth dimensional state of consciousness, your creative
thinking and perceptions of your upper-third and fourth dimensional life.
*Your theta brainwaves are
aligned with your higher fourth and lower fifth dimensional states of
consciousness, spiritual and shamanistic thinking, and the beginnings of
conscious perceptions and recognition of your multidimensional expressions of
*Your delta brainwaves are
aligned with the consciousness of your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF, as
well as multidimensional thoughts and perceptions that resonate to the NOW of
the ONE.
Your brainwaves are much like your
“mental muscles.”
The more you activate them, the
stronger they become.
If you do not use them, they become
In other words, when you consciously
attune to a higher brainwave, and the resulting state of consciousness, a
portal between your physical brain and your Multidimensional Mind is opened.
Every “time” you travel this portal between your multidimensional
mind and your physical brain, the portal/neural pathway becomes increasingly
This activation is much like the
activation of new neural pathways that are created when you learn a new task.
Whenever you engage in that task, or
state of consciousness, the neural pathway, portal, expands from a “small dirt
road” into a “bigger street,” until it becomes a “freeway.”
Thus, the more you consciously
activate a higher state of consciousness, the more you can integrate those
brainwaves into your daily life.
Conversely, when you chose not to attune to your higher brainwaves,
it is more difficult to integrate those higher states of consciousness into
your daily life.
Then, you will think of, perceive,
and live within the physical world with little awareness of your innate,
Multidimensional SELF.
Different brainwaves and states of
consciousness also determine what you emotionally feel about your life, as well
as how you emotionally interact, react and/or respond to your daily life.
*Beta brainwaves and states of consciousness are a call to duty,
and often result in stress, anxiety or expression.
*Alpha brainwaves and states of consciousness feel creative, fun,
and more joyful.
*Theta brainwaves and states of consciousness feel deeply
reflective and spiritual.
*Delta brainwaves and states of consciousness are very “other
Thus, they are difficult to access
while you are awake to your physical world.
Just as your brainwaves and
resulting states of consciousness affect your emotions, your emotions affect
your brainwaves/states of consciousness.
*Fear instantly lowers your consciousness into Beta brainwaves of
your immediate third dimensionally tasks, duties, dangers and responsibilities.
*Happiness raises your consciousness into the fourth dimension in
which your creativity is activated.
*Joy expands your consciousness into your fifth-dimensional
desire to merge with your Multidimensional SELF.
love is the ticket to your
inter-dimensional travels.
*Surrender, which is the release of all reactive emotions, connects you
with the myriad expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.
It is through the sensations of joy,
unconditional love and surrender that you begin to experience your
Multidimensional SELF in your daily life.
Gradually, you will hear the
constant assistance that your SELF offers in every moment of the NOW.
Eventually, you will know that you are being guided.
As you allow this guidance into your
daily life it becomes increasingly conscious and you realize that you are never alone.
You then KNOW that you are ALWAYS
guided, instructed, comforted and protected.
You become aware that you can put in a call for assistance for any
area of your life.
However, just as you need to turn on
your phone or computer to get information, you must “turn on” your higher
consciousness to receive higher dimensional messages.
It is important to document these
messages in some manner, as it may be difficult to remember them when your
return to your 3D consciousness.
With practice, you will
learn/remember how to channel your higher messages through writing or via your
own voice.
Through the act of channeling your
Higher SELF, your perspective moves from “being lost in third-dimensional lies
and illusions” to “floating above the cares of mundane life while you visit
with your higher expression of SELF.”
Then the “YOU” that resonates to a
higher frequency can comfort and guide the “you” who is wearing an earth vessel
during these challenging times of personal and planetary ascension.
Your Higher Self will assist you to
remember that:
*First you ascend your consciousness
*Then you ascend your thoughts
and emotions
*This allows you to ascend your ideas
and actions
*Which will lead to more
multidimensional perceptions and experiences
*That will reveal your personal
and planetary Lightbody
We know that many of you became
greatly disappointed that Earth did not suddenly become fifth dimensional
during the many predicted moments of time.
However, ascension is not associated
with time.
Ascension is the act of leaving
Also, if the planet were to suddenly
ascend into the fifth dimension in any of the humanly assigned “times,” the
physical planet would have become instantly uninhabitable to all third
dimensional forms and the greater majority of Gaia’s inhabitants would be
Gaia is a loving Mother Earth.
Rather than “pulling the rug out from under” so many of the wonderful life
forms that have lived on, in and over her planetary body, she has decided to
continue with the suffering that She endures every day at the hands of the dark
members of humanity.
Therefore, when you become impatient
and ask, “When will we finally ascend?”
We, the higher expressions of your
own Multidimensional SELF, answer, “What have you done today for planetary ascension?”
We have seen that those who remember
that they volunteered to take an earth vessel to assist dear Gaia with Her
ascension do NOT ask, “When will it happen?”
Instead, they ask, “What can I do
to help?”