Friday, March 30, 2012

You are called to duty at this time as Lightworkers.

There are souls are out there right now waiting to hear your voice cut through the negative echoing of the voices of fear.

This operation is more than merely the arrests of these individuals, as we also wish for these arrests to act as a trigger to awaken so many of your brothers and sisters who yet sleep, and we also wish for these arrests to be the catalyst for so much change needed in your world.

Not everyone understands as you do what has been going on here, and many see those who will be taken away into custody as their servants and protectors and they will be quite astonished to learn that so many of the world’s dire problems were directly and purposely cause by these dark individuals.

These revelations come as no surprise to many of you who have taken the time and made the effort to inform yourselves, but you are rare cases indeed, and that is why we ask you at this time to share this information that can act as a desensitizer for many who will be overwhelmed throughout these proceedings.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I — Defeating Financial Tyranny

Written by David Wilcock Friday, 09 March 2012 18:23

Massive, unprecedented ET interventions are completely disrupting any and all plans to start World War III, according to multiple whistleblowers. This and other fascinating developments suggest that 2012 may live up to many prophets’ expectations.

[PLEASE NOTE: This investigation is undergoing dynamic updates, including new sections that will be uploaded as time permits. For this reason, please LINK to it and pull excerpts, but do not COPY and REPOST it, as it will be constantly changing. Thanks!]


Whether we like it or not, everyone is now being confronted with evidence that the world is being controlled by powerful, occult, negative forces behind the scenes.

In my full-length e-book entitled Financial Tyranny, I shared everything I have gathered on this controversial subject — since I first found out about it in 1992.

If you have already read Financial Tyranny, the full scope of the problem we now face will be much more apparent as you enter into this investigation. Some of it will become clear as you read this first section.

This is the sequel to Financial Tyranny — where we talk about the “good side”.


Multiple insider sources, each of whom have been “vetted out” for their credibility and trustworthiness, have now confirmed that mass arrests of thousands of key conspirators in this vast cabal are about to occur.

A highly secretive, highly coordinated operation — working for the good of humanity — is about to make its move.

The Pentagon “good guys” are now in full political and logistical cooperation with a remarkable 134-nation alliance — to bring the perpetrators to justice and free our planet.

The security around this enormous operation has been vast. Even those who will be affected by it — and arrested — have no idea of the staggering scope of what is about to be revealed before the eyes of the public.

Very recently I had four hours of verbal discussion with a new, public, high-level whistleblower regarding these imminent mass arrests.

We are set to record an interview at 6PM Pacific time for public release on this website — within hours of when this first section should be posted. I will post-produce and release this interview as soon as possible.

I fully confirmed this man’s bonafides and his testimony with one of my top insiders, who I brought into the discussion.

Dozens of specific points, not available in any public form, were authenticated in this vetting-out process.


We now know that the plan for mass arrests has been very actively in the works for the last 20 years.

A staggering wealth of irrefutable evidence is backing this plan, including over 22 eighteen-wheeler truckloads’ worth of documents that have long since been scanned and secured in multiple locations.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sheldan Nidle Update for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 3-27-12

Dratzo! We return! The time for the great shift in consciousness draws close. Your dark cabal faces a dilemma that gets harder by the day for it to handle, and we are ready to act as divine executors on behalf of the sacred secret societies appointed by the Ascended Masters.

In short, an immense transformation of your reality is ready to begin. A number of key monetary programs are being prepared for global distribution, and relevant components of our various first-contact teams are in place to protect what is to be the initial foray into abundance for your world. This project kicks off a whole slew of activities that will set your reality on a path toward the Light!

The Ascended Masters are setting up the new financial system as quickly as possible, and already the nations of the East are being groomed to accept this new system which ends the long financial dominance of the West, giving them true fiscal equality. Simultaneously, the bridging needed for the new governments is being brought into being by the numerous sacred societies founded in Europe centuries ago.

These European sacred societies are concentrating on the best way to remove the dark-centered governments which have kept your globe destabilized by the threat of nuclear war ever since the splitting of the atom in the 1940s. In addition, these same governments have invaded many nations throughout your world in order to maintain the fear and gross manipulation long employed by the Anunnaki and their many Earth-bound minions.

The immense arrogance of the dark’s strategy developed into tunnel vision, which over the last decade opened a way for the sacred societies to reveal a new and wondrous reality to you. This moment in your history also coincides with the many decrees of Heaven for your realm.

These sacred edicts invited us to come here to carefully oversee a unique series of transformations, which is why we here above you in huge numbers to ensure that these decrees are carried out. As a result, the dark is no longer in charge of this world, and Earth humans dedicated to the Light have reached the prophesied point of success.

The work of the Light has brought you to the moment when a great prosperity is to sweep through your societies. This prosperity heralds a series of governmental changes which will enact, among many things, the legal basis of your freedom and individual sovereignty, accompanied by an official proclamation of this. It is a historic moment.

For the first time since you were permitted to enter limited consciousness, you are to be acknowledged as worthy Beings by your former ‘masters.’ At a stroke you become their equal, able to wield justice and appropriate retribution for their crimes against you and your ancestors.

This time is when the present reality collapses and is transformed into a vehicle capable of conveying you back to the very threshold of full consciousness. Our responsibility is to take you from that doorway through to your final transformation, which will allow you to take your place once again among your many spiritual and space families. This will be a moment of long-awaited celebration for us all!

In anticipation of bringing your planet and yourselves back into the Light and into full consciousness, we are increasing the sightings of our craft in your skies; they are making themselves more noticeable to you by decloaking in broad daylight and by being more dramatic in your night skies. Our message is, You are not alone!

Further, Mother Earth is accelerating her transformation into a unified, 5-D-reality Being. In the eyes of your geologists and atmospheric scientists, the latest geological indices seem to point to the potential for worldwide catastrophe, but such is not the case.

Mother Earth is indeed drastically altering her weather patterns by changing the jet streams that create the global climate; also, unusual heating and cooling states are changing the very nature of the Conveyor Belt that mixes the waters of your oceans, and this too influences your weather patterns. However, this is part of a positive process that will eventually bring together the waters and atmosphere of the surface with those of Inner Earth.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with an update of what is currently happening on your world. Presently, we are moving through the final days of the ultimatum that is forcing the dark cabal and its die-hard adherents to resign their public and ministerial offices.

These coming official ‘resignations’ will signal the start of the process of a vast conveyance of power from the dark cabal to the agents of the Light. This process also parallels an immense transfer of money throughout your world. During this time, many banks will change hands from the cabal to delegates of the Light. In charge of these complex transactions are various elements of our secret sacred societies.

In effect, a new financial system will rise up out of this change in bank ownership and it will be based on new gold-backed currencies. Once these proceedings are complete, the new governments will make their broadcasts.

The new governance in many nations will be secured by the power of the Light, the Agarthans, and the first-contact team. We are committed to ensuring that the holy edicts of Heaven are manifested here on Earth. All this is being done in order to set you free, and to move you through the next phases of your path to full consciousness.

We are monitoring everything as these things come down the pike, as this massive transition is designed to be swift and benign to all life. For ages we have discussed within our holy communion how best to create this new reality; above all we dearly desire to present these things in a manner that is comprehensible and acceptable to you, and that truly serves the greater good.

The divine purpose of our undertaking is to give you the opportunity to be free and sovereign. Much knowledge needs to be imparted to you during the coming months in order to reassure you and to retain your sacred trust.

Communication remains the key to everything we do, and so we have been careful to cover all the bases to keep you informed. We have asked the Galactic Federation to make itself fully known to you after disclosure is announced, and have asked the Agarthans to do likewise.

Each of you needs to acquire full knowledge of what is happening and why, and where it is all headed. It is equally important for us to have feedback from you regarding this sudden flurry of events to hit your societies. We, the Ascended Masters, intend to appear and heal and bless all of you even before the mass landings.

We sincerely ask for your feelings on these matters as the time has come to change how you interact with Heaven. You are each a sacred physical angel. You need to learn about your divine lineage and the sacred Orders you are a part of. Ponder on these matters, as Heaven is now returning in force to your world!

Today, we brought you another message. We are providing them to keep you informed as best we can about the events of the day from our perspective.

We ask that you use this information to help others as well as yourselves to better understand what is now ready to happen across your world.

Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours!

So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Tuesday, March 27, 2012


This book and the others to follow, is a metaphor for the times we are living in. And never so true as now.

The movie does not do justice to the book... it barely grazes the surface although the lead, Jennifer Lawrence, is excellent and well cast.

Read the book. The dilemma, which surfaces most in Book Two, has to do with something very close to every rebel's heart at this point... do you stay and fight or escape to somewhere safer and saner?

Leave family and friends behind to fend for themselves as the United States melts down?

This country is in a state of siege as we all know.

Every day our rights are being taken away and heavier surveillance and the weight of the authoritarian state increases.. and (yes, it is a state in fear and turmoil because they the so-called ones in power positions are seeing red and showing real fear perhaps for the first time).

As their fear of the awakening in all of us grows so does their desire to control and eliminate their risk...

We are growing stronger and more restive... less malleable. Funny how heavily sedated and programmed they have had to make the masses in order to control them..

And still they AWAKEN... some, are lucky enough to never have fallen for the opiates they serve... some come into this life immune.

Regardless of where you fall on that spectrum if you are reading this you are one of those awakening... and more will come.

The real question you may, if you become a target in their sights.. have to ultimately decide STAND AND FIGHT or RUN and save yourself and a few close friends or family?

And if you decide to run, where you gonna run to? It is, after all, a spiritual war.

Is there another country or safe haven in some backwater in South or Central America that is going to keep the tyranny from your door? Is Africa immune?

Is anywhere on Planet Earth going to provide escape from this war for the hearts and minds, the very soul of humanity? You can run but can you hide?

It's possible you can blend in to some distant culture... if you are lucky enough to have the right skin tone or hair color or a gift for languages.

Or you may be thinking that some other country, say, Sweden, Norway or Australia can shelter you if you are white.

But are those governments not in on it? Is any government not already bought and sold, stamped with the coin of the realm on their leaders, their wealthy, their elite.

And so you must decide, eventually. Because this last bastion of freedom, is going down.

And we all must chose to stand and fight or run, and maybe in the process, live to fight another day.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A new financial system goes online

The new financial system is online now and abundant financing is either already or soon to be made available, according to dragon family representatives. The final take down of the criminal cabal has also begun in earnest with over 200 senior bankers arrested and 450 resigned last week alone, these sources say.

Japan is also now doing the final paperwork needed to set up an international economic planning agency with an initial funding facility of $10 trillion or about 200 times what the World Bank lends every year, according to Japanese government sources.

There will be some sort of announcement about this and other things on Tuesday evening, March 27th, 2012 Japan Standard Time according to illuminati and White Dragon Society sources. The arrest of some very high profile individuals is imminent.

The general structure of the financial cabal and its top leaders has also now been mapped to some extent. For example, the Rothschild family dynasty leaders have been identified.

The Swiss branch of the family is run by David de Rothschild in Geneva, the French branch by Guy de Rothschild, the German branch by Rothschild family member and Hitler daughter Angelina Merkel and the British branch by Evelyn de Rothschild.

In the US, JP Morgan is a Rothschild front.

The Rockefeller family syndicate uses Goldman Sachs and Citibank as its major financial fronts. Bank of America is a front for the Italian black nobility behind the Vatican and the mafia, run in part by Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the former black pope. Pope malevolent the 16th is also a senior member of this satanic group.

The Nazi faction is run by Fuhrer George Bush Senior with Ben Bernanke acting as Deputy Fuhrer. Their chemical and pharmaceutical mass murder division is run by the Du Pont family.

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is now in Africa forcing families at gunpoint to accept the sterilization by vaccine of their daughters. In North America, Japan and elsewhere the mass sterilization by vaccine is taking place under the guise of protecting girls against cervical cancer. Message to Bill Gates: your company and foundation are going to be confiscated and you are going to spend the rest of your life making restitution.

The United States government has been so compromised by these and other cabal families and their foundation fronts that the upcoming US Presidential “election,” is nothing more than a power struggle between the Chicago mob and their front man Mitt Romney versus the Bush Texas illegal drug mafia and their guy Jeb Bush.

Hopefully the new financial system, once it is fully implemented, will pull the plug on the entire farcical show and Americans will be able to choose their own leaders based on true information provided by free media.

For now though, electronically rigged elections and corporate propaganda provide sham democracy for dumbed down and drugged up Americans.

However, a look at the pentagon budget for this upcoming year shows they have dedicated plenty of resources to financing reserve troop units inside the United States.

This does not mean they are preparing to put average Americans into FEMA camps as feared by many. To the contrary, they are preparing for a mass round up of cabal agents and proxies, according to pentagon and CIA sources.

There was a clear indication of change on March 20th, when instead of having the cabal scheduled earthquake hit Tokyo, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake hit Oaxaca, Mexico exactly when President Obama’s daughter was vacationing there.

Furthermore, this earthquake was advertised in advance through pamphlets distributed locally. This is a clear sign the bad guys no longer play the HAARP.

Another sign of change was the public rebuke of Obama, Clinton and cabal controlled media outlets when the official Chinese government news site, Xinhua stated that North Korea was not on the agenda of the 50 nation nuclear security summit taking place in Soeul, Korea this week.

The cabal propaganda media has been carrying a fake story about nuclear danger from North Korea even though that country has already announced it will cease nuclear weapons development.

The secret agenda behind this 50 nation summit is an attempt to steal 200 tons of gold that is in South Korean warehouses. That theft is not going to be allowed to go ahead so the cabalists will leave the summit empty handed.

There was also plenty of speculation about a coup d’etat in China last week. All that happened was that a Maoist cabal agent Bo Xilai was removed from power after one of his henchmen was discovered taking instructions from the US consulate in Chongqing, according to MI6 sources.

China is still on course for a stable and harmonious regime change-over later this year, according to White Dragon Society sources. The talk of a Maoist coup d’etat was wishful cabalist thinking fanned by cabalist media outlets.

Speaking about fake stories, the “White Hats” group on the internet, consisting of Bush agent Mike Cotrell and Hawaii resident Danny Gammage, has been spewing out laughable libel (such as this writer is a clone).

More damagingly, they managed to fool Lord Blackheath of the UK Upper House of Parliament with a fake story about $15 trillion that he raised in Parliamentary session. The House of Lords is now going to summon a White Dragon Society ally to testify about what is really going on in the financial wars.

The London financial district is headed for further purges and the talk is that Lord Sassoon is headed for a big fall. The investigation may even extend to the UK Royal family, European CIA sources say.

In Japan, meanwhile, the status quo is expected to remain on hold until the March 31st end of the fiscal year because of overwhelming workloads in the bureaucracy and the parliament.

After March 31st, there will be concrete negotiations taking place involving the Finance Ministry, Bank of Japan, Prime Minister’s office and Royal Household Agency aimed at setting up a new international economic planning agency.

The Japanese self-defense forces and bureaucracy are also planning a major purge of cabalist puppets in the Japanese Parliament, banks, corporations and media.

Overall, things are looking very good. However, unless we see these senior cabalists on world TV confessing to their crimes, we must not be complacent. Until this financial war is over, keep your powder dry and stay alert.